
borthday !!


@29mackthe thank you!! Twenty today 


Have the week off, so free time to write !
          Anyone got any requests for chapters? (I'll make them priority :))
          Books to choose from:
          - The Cursed Wolf
          - Forge
          - Bridge
          - Luminaire
          - Something new? (Can specify a fandom, i have quite a few works )


Welp, I'm finally back again after my unannounced hiatus  a lot is still happening and I lost motivation for writing, but I'm getting back into the groove working on some chapters for luminaire and another fanfic is in the works!


Hey guys, sorry for the long disappearance. I'm currently very unwell with some kind of virus (unsure what virus), and there's been a lot of personal stuff going on too. I lost my nana last week and my cat was put down last night, so I hope you can understand my hiatus.


@aqvilarcane I completely understand. Hope things get better for you.


hey guys! sorry I've been quite inactive recently, been stuck in hospital. my boyfriends dog has also passed away, so I've been a bit busy with all sorts :( I'm going to try get some stuff up for you to read, but bare with me please <3


@29mackthe it's alright :( just a lot of stuff has been happening


@aqvilarcane sorry to hear that happened


current writing schedule:
          due to my current marvel, star wars and harry potter fics already having content that needs to be rewritten and edited, they are most likely my main priorities. however, this is what it'll look like so far
          - forge | iron man
          - the cursed wolf | the philosopher's stone
          - luminaire | star wars
          - bridge | trollhunters
          - debut (will get the occasional chapters as it is my bio book)
          - folklore (currently a draft, but it will be up and published soon enough, it contains upcoming story ideas i have and my current drafts)