
Hey, I'm getting back in touch after a long time. My phone finally came out of repair but I now only have less than a month left for my last two final exams and I'm still waiting for the results of my last 3 exams. Especially until then I have to study a lot, which is probably why nothing will come from me for the next 2-3 weeks :)


@apricitybarnes Take your time, friend!


Hey, I'm getting back in touch after a long time. My phone finally came out of repair but I now only have less than a month left for my last two final exams and I'm still waiting for the results of my last 3 exams. Especially until then I have to study a lot, which is probably why nothing will come from me for the next 2-3 weeks :)


@apricitybarnes Take your time, friend!


We have reached 300 reads on Paralyzed. I can't really believe it yet, when I published the story I thought I'd be bumbling around until the end with 10 reads at most. Now I'm more surprised that the story is so well received. Probably the next chapters will not be updated so regularly, had a really crappy day yesterday. Among a thousand other things that have happened to me, I have also scraped the display for my phone and I have to send it soon in repair before my mother notices. If I still do not answer in a few days, then she probably killed me :)


yayyy congratulationss 


Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy my story’s!


@Bluewonder88  I have already added "Battle scars" to my library and will read it as soon as possible:D