
I'm still alive, if anyone cares lol.
          	F1 season is starting soon so I'll be getting some more inspo soon, but I did post a new one shot with Lewis.
          	Please stay safe out there with coronavirus!


I finished my story!! The final two chapters have been posted.
          I'm going to be honest, the last chapter is choppy and poorly written and i think it's bc i've lost interest in the story :(
          {im not marking it as completed yet bc im toying with the idea of adding an epilogue later}
          i'm actually going to be taking a break from wattpad for a bit since im kinda going through a rough patch, so i wont be on here, checking notifications and stats and stuff like that, nor will i be responding to comments, but votes and comments are always welcome :)
          - Antique Clock


Sorry for two messages in one day, but one more quick thing: before I post the original bro-tp scene, I'm going to post a bridge [yep thats a thing in writing now cause i made it up lol] so that the chapters flow better.
          - Antique Clock


I made a new cover!! Go check it out plz :)) 
          (also tysm for almost 300 views!) 
          im working on the next chapter rn and it's gonna take a bit since this is the scene that inspired me to write the story in the first place ;)
          - Antique Clock


Hiya! One quick thing: the ending of my story is taking longer than expected, which is good for you guys i guess lol. since the chapters are longer, they need more work and review. i'm aiming to have the next one up in about 48 hours. i noticed my rating dropped but i broke 200 views so thank youuu :) 
          Also, HUGE shoutout to @orange-marmalade97 for their AMAZING and super inspiring comment, tysm and I really mean it, they made me feel so much better about my story :)
          - Antique Clock


@orange-marmalade97 HAHAHAHA love the pun and thank you so much uWu


Guys the new chapter is coming I swear just give me some time idk if anyone reads it or follows it :/ but i've been swamped with work so plz if anyone is following the story just wait ima try to get it up before the end of the week :)
          Thanks to anyone,
          - Antique Clock


          Idk if you saw,  but the end of my story is coming relatively soon :/
          Here was the announcement I put in the actual story:
          i was just about to keep writing when i realized the end of my story is acc pretty close, and the scene that inspired me to write this story is coming soon
          while it's bittersweet that my story will end relatively soon, i want to assure you that there are still a few more chapters left to write, im estimating about 4 or more long chapters, including the two parts im publishing tomorrow
          I was working hard on shortening my chapters so that people could enjoy my story without having to read a ton, but as we are approaching the end, my chapters will become more lengthy.
          thanks to everyone who read my story and thank you to GramesShiper for inspiring me to join Wattpad
          It's kinda crazy bc I never imagined my story being No. 14 in Hermione, I just wanted to write down this one scene that quickly evolved into something much bigger.
          I've decided to not continue out the story, even though I could, because I don't want to drag it out and make it boring. (Although I might consider doing an epilogue later ;)
          Again, thank you to anyone who read my story. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and enjoy the next few chapters.
          - Antique Clock


@antique_clock always bb gooo offfffff