
          	I did a very few chapters on another 'story' called 'PurpleSwag', which was meant to be a diary styled random thought collection. However, I wish to express these weird thoughts more clearly and maturely and therefore will unpublish and redo a poem/random collection. See You soon!


          I did a very few chapters on another 'story' called 'PurpleSwag', which was meant to be a diary styled random thought collection. However, I wish to express these weird thoughts more clearly and maturely and therefore will unpublish and redo a poem/random collection. See You soon!


Hey Guys,
          Those who are familiar with my previous activity on Wattpad won't be surprised that I disappeared for a couple months....again. In my defence, regarding writing, I have spent these months recognising all the mistakes I have made in my previous writings as well as my published writing 'STAMPED'. I feel like my writing did not give off the exact vibe and atmosphere I was aiming for it to do so, and my new year resolution would be to give it another go. I know the few of you my writing has reached are very excited to see what happens to our Jorja, but I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a bit to get a clearer picture of her and her amazing story. You can trust me that it's worth the wait!