
Hi everyone! I would just like to thank everyone for the love you've shown for "I asked the moon..." I never imagined that so many people would be reading it! It makes my day to see that people are voting and commenting on my work! Thank you all so much once again! ^_^


Hlo so I asked about Derek X RAGGIE and oh my heavens that is really a amazing ship, like it revolves around being enemies to lovers 
          I've been looking everywhere but I can not find a ff revolving around them!!
          Pls consider ur attention towards it...
          (Ps- by the way RAGGIE acts, we all know he admires Derek ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)


@anonymousereader321 I've been a fan of their chemistry since the first day lol


@stavrlightwriter3 I’m gonna try and see if I can smoothly make it a subplot but if not I’ll try to write at least a short story on it


Hi everyone! I would just like to thank everyone for the love you've shown for "I asked the moon..." I never imagined that so many people would be reading it! It makes my day to see that people are voting and commenting on my work! Thank you all so much once again! ^_^


Hello I know this may sound abrupt but I just wanted to say how much I liked your acid x reader book..! I never thought I would find a book on chichhore let alone my favourite character.. looking forward to the next chapter :]
          Keep up the good work...I really do appreciate it <33


@zoilist1028 You're welcome :) and I will absolutely enjoy and support your upcoming works as well as the new chapters 


@zoilist1028 Thank you so much!! It's really very encouraging when I see that people are enjoying my book, I hope you continue to enjoy it!