
I hope my account isn’t deleted again




@SneakyGrimm thank you for that. I appreciate it. 


I'm glad it getting better for you and I keep praying for your life to keep getting better 


So I’m trying a new type of series. Hal Jordan x reader. I’m not good with writing at the moment since it’s been a while and I’ve been busy but tell me what you think. 
          Just for those who need to know… there are some controversial topics in these stories, but I put warnings before each topic is brought up.


Right now I’m living with a man-child who leans on me as his rock. Supposedly I’m his therapist, bank, and “only friend”… I see him as a burden. He uses me and when I tell him no he screams at me. He’s emotionally abusive and physically exhausting to deal with. He’s cost me so much of my financial freedom and put me behind in all my bills. All I wish is for him to grow up and to act his age. He’s an alcoholic and smoker. When he drinks he takes out his aggression on me. Apparently he claims I’m his little sister, but to me… he’s nothing more than a free loader who expects me to baby him. 
          I had more to say but there’s a limit on these update status things


@animepro56 omg thank goodness. I sighed with relief when I saw your response. I’m sure he will. Karma sucks. He sounds like a jerk 
            Hope you continue to do better 


@AbellaHeart- I actually moved out. I’m hoping he gets what he deserves. Just after three days of being free, I’ve done so much better.


I hope you’re able to kick him out. He sounds abusive and unbearable he needs a slice of humble pie. Focus on yourself. Whatever happens to him isn’t your fault. 


To everyone who loves my hunter x oc or Belos x oc… thank you for your support and praises. I’m at the moment dealing with moving issues and constantly finding a stable place to live. Along with a decent dietary habit that fits along with having a constant stream of income. Right now stress with not owning a car to work and not having a stable place to live have been making it difficult to write story chapters. Also I’m waiting for the tv show to conclude. From what I heard the tv show will have the second episode on January 21st. So I want to see what Belos will do and have Disney post the episodes on their streaming service.


Sorry, I just need to vent:
          Right now I don’t have a car because the stupid insurance company wants to play games and refused my claim! Their reason being is because they wanted to inspect the car before I made the claim; however I already paid for the insurance and received the insurance policy! They at first tried to say that Instacart/DoorDash/Grubhub was a ride-sharing gig and wasn’t under their insurance policy however rides-sharing gigs only applies to me driving another person in my car: Uber/Lyft… So they wasted three months looking for a loophole so they didn’t have to honor my policy. NOW I HAVE TO TAKE THEM TO COURT! 
          That’s part 1, here’s part 2:
          I had to move in October 6, again… now I live with this A-hole who is a total prick, in the countryside. He has this dog who always whimpers when his owner is home and gets into the trash; thus now there’s no trash can around. Oh and this prick is a total slob! He leaves a mess all over the kitchen! This house stinks of Hash Weed all the time because he and the landlord who just moved back in smoke it all the time; btw that stuff gives me the biggest headache. They make it so I don’t want to ever leave my room, and it’s not like I have a car so I can leave the bloody house! I don’t have a bathroom to myself. They eat my food; they watch movies and play video games at the highest volume possible. They are both almost always here so it’s hard to leave my room just to get something quick from the fridge and go hide back in my room so I don’t have to smell that crap around them. 
          Not to mention the prick (if anyone has ties to the American military or respects the American military…) has the Gull to say he was part of the Vietnam War… he’s maybe mid 30s. He steals valor to impress girls. 
          Anyway, I feel like I’m trapped in a cage with no way out.


Well I’m moving again, but this time it’s because my current landlords are starting a family and want to have a baby. So updating is gonna be hard now because of that. 


@ashtaishere  that’s kind of you to say. 


I hope it works out smoothly for you. You e earned some good luck for awhile here…


I don’t think I’ll be posting for a while… I’m going through some drama in my life right now; I have to move to another location again, I’m dealing with car issues, and currently have to deal with insurance company crooks… so I’m going to be unable to continue writing stories for a while…


@animepro56 I’m so sorry to hear that, I hope everything works out