
Hello my dear friends.
          	This past week was crazy. On St. Valentine's day my kid fell on the stairs at school and broke a toe, so we spent half of it in the ER ಥ_ಥ
          	The event was deemed as a happy one, though. Because who does not want to skip two weeks of school ^_~
          	Anyway, I was stressed and not in a very romantic mood.
          	What was my surprise when I saw that we already have a third book with a million reads  - SUGAR.
          	Thank you so much for being so awesome.
          	Looking at the bright side, it was a successful week for everyone considering the different points of view :)
          	Anyway, to celebrate this a new chapter of SAFE is published and all the books are with brand new covers.
          	For those who have not seen it yet, yesterday I also published the new chapter of BAD, WORSE, THE BEST.
          	Enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think.
          	Wishing everyone lots of love and delightful adventures.
          	Love: Anny ❤️❤️❤️


@lolthisishappening Thanks :) You are very welcome 


Way to look at the bright side! I’m glad you’re in good spirits. Thank you for the new chapter! 


@mayurivid Thank you so much for the kind message ❤️ 


Heyy dear writer,
          I have read a few of your works and had to reach out. I am absolutely in love with your writing style and how your books have the ability to suck your readers into a world that makes reality fade away for a few moments. I'm reaching out from an editing agency named The Script Surgeons, regarding your books.
           We specialize in editing and would love to discuss how we can assist in refining your work. Our team offers tailored editing services to enhance your manuscript's quality and appeal. 
           Are you open to a conversation about this?
          You can contact us on instagram on @yashica_xx or via email on
          Best wishes, 
          Yashica Sharma.
          Editing team


I have been waiting for forbidden since last year.  Please update it. 


@Instakeliye  I gave up once and deleted wattpad after months of wait, please don't let me wait too long this time. 


@Instakeliye I am so sorry all you wonderful readers have to wait for that long. And thank you so much for your interest. I really hope to resume updates soon. That is my intention. The book will be finished for sure, but is taking much more time than planned. XO Anny


Hello, may I know how many chapters is My Italian adventure. Or is it still in the work? 


@ChynxM Hello! Thank you so much for your interest. I am not sure how many chapters it will be because it is still in the beginning. Perhaps a bit shorter than Full Exclusive Rights. I am taking a break now, so I am not updating it for a while but hope to resume posting soon. XO Anny


Heyy, how many chapters are expected to come on your book "safe"? I would like to read it, as soon as you finish writing 


@Fairytail-2000 Hello. Thank you so much for your message and interest in SAFE. There are 5 to 10 chapters before it is finished, which will probably take a couple of months or a bit lo ger as I am slower with updates at the moment. I hope you like it. If you have not read any other of my books, but you are considering trying them, Full Exclusive Rights, SUGAR, and The Hots are completed. XO Anny


Was stalking your page after such a long time and three of your books hit 1M Anny!!! I’m so happy for you! ❤️❤️ And I love all the new cover artttt! 
          Stay amazing!


@cherrykimono7 OMG! Believe it or not, I stalk your page from time to time too to make sure you're active :) You are one of my most favorite authors and such a lovely person. I've got a lot on my plate lately, moving offices, moving houses, and other personal stuff. But I will be back soon and can't wait. Thank you so much for this message. It made me smile so wide.


Been waiting months for a Safe update , are you OK? Kinda starting to worry. 


@owethutami Thank you so much  Very kind of you. I appreciate your concern. I had a very busy period moving houses and other stuff accompanied by all the stress and so on. Updates are waiting for some editing and hopefully will be resumed soon. Thank you for your patience.


this message may be offensive
Hi. I found one of your books by chance and god was it the best thing that has happened to me last week.
          I really enjoyed reading Full Exclusive Rights. I only just decided to check out your account and thank goodness I did cause I'm about to begin reading about Em and Sunny trip to Italy and something tells me I'll love it.
          I added some of your other books in my library too and they are going to take me through what's left of this week. (Tonight has been shit). 
          Anyways, what I want to say is that your books (the one I've read) are really great and uplifting and just leaves me with this floaty (is that a word?) feeling.
          Thanks for writing and looking forward to more of your works. 
          From a greatfull reader❤️


@Create_A_Story Thank you so much for this wonderful message. I am really grateful that my stories help other people as well. They are my safe space, and I am happy you like them, too. I hope you will enjoy all my stories you decide to read. XO Anny


Safe ? *no pressure * 


@ani_dn take all the time you need, your readers(me) will be here when you ready…and whatever your going through, I send all the strength your way! 


@BiCuriousReader2 Thank you for your patience. I have a busy and a bit difficult period, but I am hopeful it will get better soon, and I will have more time for updates. I appreciate your message.