
Chapter 2 of Life in Progress is finally up! I had some nasty writer's block and frankly forgot about it, but i just finished it up while procrastinating on a piece for my creative writing class. How I get rid of writer's block, work on something else till I get stuck on that too lmao


Chapter 2 of Life in Progress is finally up! I had some nasty writer's block and frankly forgot about it, but i just finished it up while procrastinating on a piece for my creative writing class. How I get rid of writer's block, work on something else till I get stuck on that too lmao


Oh yea I have a Wattpad! Sorry I've been kind of off the grid lately, my summer schedule is sadly similar to my regular school schedule. These next 2 weeks it's going to be even worse, anyone is theatre knows the torture of Tech Week. Anyways, after the show I'll try to be more active and get Chapter 2 of Life In Progress up!