
Hey guys!!! I constantly get comments upon comments and messages about when I'm going to update, and I'm here to answer your questions!
          	'Why haven't you updated?'
          	I haven't been able to update this year due to the fact that I am in my final year of school. Unfortunately, I've had to spend most of my time studying so I can do well and maintain a good grade and rank, cos it determines if I graduate or not. With my main stories, most chapters do take a significant amount of time to write and edit, and I often have to write out outlines for the chapters and the ones coming after it so I know where the story is headed and how I am going to space out chapters. But due to school, I really haven't had that kind of time to dedicate to doing that. As much as I have wanted to update, I wasn't able to sacrifice my school work for it.
          	'Are you giving up on your stories?'
          	Not! No, no. (lol lemme know if u get the reference)
          	100000000000000000% no. I honestly have grown attached to my works and I'm the kind of person who rarely likes to leave things unfinished unless I have to. One way or another, no matter how long it takes, I will complete most of my main stories (probs not all of them, but most). Plus, amourshipping does hold a special place in my heart :D
          	'When will you update again?'
          	Hopefully sometime in late November/December??? Like I said, writing chapters for stories requires a bit of time, so I will have to wait until I graduate (which is in November). Don't expect any updates before then, as I have finals coming up in October that determine if I graduate or not, and I have to decide what I will be doing after leaving school lol. I got a lot of things to sort out. But once I do, I'll be back here with some updates :D
          	xx amourfangirl1


@amourfangirl1 Ohkay ^_^
          	  We'll wait. 


Y'all better stop asking for updates since Scarlet will update when she can, and when she wants to. If you don't want to wait, go find another story to read, it's not that hard. We all have private lives no? So please, even if you're going to comment about wanting updates, at least try to sound respectful and not demanding.


Hey guys!!! I constantly get comments upon comments and messages about when I'm going to update, and I'm here to answer your questions!
          'Why haven't you updated?'
          I haven't been able to update this year due to the fact that I am in my final year of school. Unfortunately, I've had to spend most of my time studying so I can do well and maintain a good grade and rank, cos it determines if I graduate or not. With my main stories, most chapters do take a significant amount of time to write and edit, and I often have to write out outlines for the chapters and the ones coming after it so I know where the story is headed and how I am going to space out chapters. But due to school, I really haven't had that kind of time to dedicate to doing that. As much as I have wanted to update, I wasn't able to sacrifice my school work for it.
          'Are you giving up on your stories?'
          Not! No, no. (lol lemme know if u get the reference)
          100000000000000000% no. I honestly have grown attached to my works and I'm the kind of person who rarely likes to leave things unfinished unless I have to. One way or another, no matter how long it takes, I will complete most of my main stories (probs not all of them, but most). Plus, amourshipping does hold a special place in my heart :D
          'When will you update again?'
          Hopefully sometime in late November/December??? Like I said, writing chapters for stories requires a bit of time, so I will have to wait until I graduate (which is in November). Don't expect any updates before then, as I have finals coming up in October that determine if I graduate or not, and I have to decide what I will be doing after leaving school lol. I got a lot of things to sort out. But once I do, I'll be back here with some updates :D
          xx amourfangirl1


@amourfangirl1 Ohkay ^_^
            We'll wait. 


          i am a tiny bit late for the release of truth and dare, but I finished reading and man, I missed these stories. while I was reading the previous chapter I swear I could remember 2013 - 2017 amourshipping flashing past my eyes, seriously. I cringed a bit, laughed a lot, and felt a bit sad that part of my life is coming to an end. I won't see more amourshipping fics since there will be new heroines and I will stay reading the same fics over and over again. Except I won't. I have learned how to let go, but even if I do, amour will always have a place in my heart (and I might read some fanfics occasionally)


yeah, even if i'll stop reading amour constantly, I will be thankful for these fanfics, even if you don't like your cringy writing (girl,have you even read my fics- ew) I still love them for making me smile :)


@choeryii honestly i really feel that too XD i think the reason i want to keep writing, and sometimes my main motivation, is because amour does has a special place in my heart and no matter how cringy my writing is lmao i still want to continue my stories cos ppl still tell me that they enjoy them. glad i could be part of ur amourshipping journey :D xx


i realised that when that data breach happened some of my old stories got unpublished for some reason?? i might republish some of them - except for my art journal one - i was just looking back at my old art now and ofjnvijewnvojef ew ew nope not letting that back out into the world :D but if u get tagged in one of my books in the next hour, just know its because i was republishing things.


@amourfangirl1  could you update an amourshipping  plz