
The last chapter of "Everything I need" has been officially published. It was amazing to write but I hate that it's over. I hope you guys liked the book or read it if you haven't, thanks.


I know I promised that I would get the sequel to "Best friend or Boyfriend" back up but it's just not turning out that good right now. It started off good but now it's starting to not make sense and I don't want to publish something that I know is bad. So unfortunately there will be no sequel to "Best friend or Boyfriend." I really hope you guys liked the original but I can't continue, I apologize.


I just updated everything I need, sorry for not updating sooner. What I really came to say is that I just published the first chapter of my new book "It's all in the past." I hope you guys enjoy reading it because I enjoyed writing it. 
          Side note- I had unpublished the sequel to "Befriend or Boyfriend" a couple months ago. I promise to get back to it soon I just have writers block right now.