
In the wake of my latest wins, I'm so excited to enter another contest :D


Not to brag or nothing but in the last two days, SLATE GRAY has won First Place in two awards!
          Thank you to The Virtues Awards for awarding SLATE GRAY First Place in Horror and to @22Hamilton for hosting such an amazing, reader based contest! I was so honored to be nominated, not to mention win in my category! Check out my fellow winners here:
          Thank you also to @-Chrysalis_Realm for awarding SLATE GRAY First Place in Paranormal/Horror in The Zelicaon Awards! And shout out to judge @lantea- in particular for loving my story! Check out my fellow winners here:
          Alright, maybe I'm bragging a little ;)




          Congratulations! We would like to notify you that your reading list submission was processed and we added your story to the appropriate reading list. Thank you for submitting your story.
          Here’s a link to the official QuickFantasy sticker for your cover if you'd like to use it -
          Kind Regards,
          The QuickFantasy Team


@QuickFantasy Thank you so much! I’m so honored to be included ❤️


Is it still considered writer’s block if I have the book entirely mapped out, I know what I want to do with all the characters as far as their development and I have a solid plan on how it’s gonna end but I can’t find the words to get there??? 
          If so, please send help. I have writer’s block!!!


@alpaljames I totally understand you! I've had writer's block so many times. What helped me was making an outline in a separate file where I wrote everything per scene, describing all the details. Then, I used a brainstorming technique - writing everything that came to mind for 10 minutes (even setting a timer). During that time, I allowed myself not to be perfect, I didn’t pay attention to sentence structure or grammar, and just wrote the first thing that came to my mind. I ended up with many interesting ideas! Also, what helps me is music that sets the mood exactly for the scene, reading another book, watching a movie, or just going for a walk :)


@alpaljames I'd definitely call it that! Personally, I find the best way out of it is to read the previous chapter or two and then just write. It will almost certainly come out bad to begin with, but it definitely helps getting it down so you can clarify your vision :)


@alpaljames I am having the exact same problem. The thing that I've found to be helpful has been to have a different project with a different flavor to dip into. I often find myself with the energy to work on something but not the mood or compulsion to work on my main project. So I would suggest working on something else for a second even if ita a nothingburger of a short story or soemthing. 
            This exact feeling has stymied my book progress like three times though, so I get it. 


Hey guys! If everything goes as planned, I'll be posting another chapter of SLATE GRAY this Thursday! I apologize for the sporadic posting schedule these days but life has been crazy. Fortunately, it's been the good kind :) 
          Thanks for sticking with me and I can't wait to continue the Slate's demonic roadtrip into hell! Figuratively speaking, of course.
          Yeah. Figuratively...


We are in need of judges so if you are willing, please fill a form dearies
          ⸝⸝ Get ready with your books and take readers, writers and our team on a journey! 
          Enter the Global Wanderer contest and submit your best books that showcases the beauty of imagination and creativity. Submit your best works and become a winner!


The long awaited review from the esteemed @ProjectAthena Review Book is in and guys... it's another RAVE!!!! Thank you @adretaRyder for taking the time to read SLATE GRAY and for all your encouragement and suggestions :) It means the world that you enjoyed it so much and I hope you'll read more!
          If you want, check out the awesome review here:


@alpaljames :)
            It was a great read.
            Best of luck!