
Hello there! I know it's been quite a long time since I've been on this site, and writing for that matter. I'm here to say that I've decided to come back, and I'm taking suggestions on what to write! I know a lot of you have expressed your interest in me continuing with God, It Must Be Torture in either a sequel or prequel, but I want to hear what else you'd like me to explore! Thanks for following me and liking my work! It means so much to me!


Hello there! I know it's been quite a long time since I've been on this site, and writing for that matter. I'm here to say that I've decided to come back, and I'm taking suggestions on what to write! I know a lot of you have expressed your interest in me continuing with God, It Must Be Torture in either a sequel or prequel, but I want to hear what else you'd like me to explore! Thanks for following me and liking my work! It means so much to me!


Hey everyone! Just a quick update, I will be posting two chapters soon (hopefully) and I wanted to give y'all a heads up. Thanks for reading and, you know, continuing to read...(all 78 of y'all at the moment) 
          Also, just so you know, there's supposed to be a total of 20 parts to this story so its going to be long. Not to mention I write a lot and so there are more pages (if you're on mobile). 
          Thank you for your reads and I hope to hear any feedback you may have! 
          Lots of Love and Hugs,