
Just came back, sleep deprived.
          	Will reply to messages later. Gonna sleep now.


Dear Ai,
          Woah, 44 followers. you will have 50 followers in no time! Hehe, so proud of you as always! I wonder what you are doing right now. I hope you are doing well. Taking care of yourself while being busy. It's the last week of May, and soon it will be June, aka Pride month! I've been alright, you can say. Working in my mom's shop currently to earn some money for university and others things. Also, I'm thinking and working on an original story, too! I'm excited for this story to become a thing! I already kind of spoil the characters in the server. 
          I hope you take care of yourself. Eat healthy and sleep well. It's okay to take small breaks from time to time. Tomorrow will always wait for you. There is no need to rush, take deep breaths, and keep on going as slow as you want. Take care, the one and only coolest bubble I ever met! I will be here when you want someone to talk or anything. 
          This sassiest raindrop 


To Ai:
          A beautiful star in the sky, and my brightest universe in this darker world. Our memories remain blissful lights of orbs in the sky I have always kept in my heart, ones that I will always reminisce everywhere I go.
          Everytime we have been together, we have both laughed and cried through everything, and I can never be anymore grateful for our wonderful friendship. 
          Please don't overwork yourself, and rememebr how loved you are. You are amazing and you truly deserve everything in this world. Love you Ai.