
omg stop I’ve been literally spending every minute of the day watching dance moms aha it is an addiction at this point  and I am not even ashamed
          	dancer inspired fiction? i think so…


Are you staying silent?
          Whilst people are killed far away from you. People are dying and we just continue with our lives but children are loosing all in Palestine right now. Are you aware a genocide is here? Gaza is on fire and the children plead and cry, will you listen and fight for their right to survive? 
          We can all make a difference if we use our voices to speak up for Palestine! All eyes on Rafah! 
          I am not afraid to lose readers, followers etc and I will continue to speak up for Palestine. We all need to use any platform possible to speak out for Palestine.  


I just finished fate (which was absolutely amazing I read it all in one sitting) however... YOU CANT LEAVE A CLIFF HANGER LIKE THAT?! (SPOILERS)
          I need to know what charles thinks??? Is it all one big misunderstanding or are they actually trying to  her?!  my brains running 10000 mph trying to figure out what is going to happen next!
          anyway loved every single one of your books as per usual, can't wait to see what comes next 


ahhh! thank you so much for reading! Fate is the most recent thing I’ve written and published, im currently working on something else but fate (2) is my priority afterwards! you are the sweetest. 


@imamikaelsonbitchxx trying to *pew pew* her it took my emoji away :(


oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys, adoration has 500,000 reads! are you kidding me? i can’t even breathe what the heck. i truly just can’t say enough how much i appreciate everyone who has taken their time to read it, im so grateful you don’t even know! thank you for your patience with me recently, i haven’t released anything in a while it’s been a bit of a rough time out here but i promise big things soon! but I would never avoid a thank you, thank you all of you, every single human who has helped me by reading. this is so rewarding. you have helped me unimaginably, this is so crazy. so out of this world crazy. genuinely typing this is wild, thank you thank you thank you! 
          have a lovely day, week, month, year whenever you decide to read this! or even for the ones who never do, i appreciate all of you. thank you from the bottom of my heart, the love i receive is felt so deeply. 




hey guys, im so sorry i have been so inactive of late! I really really wholeheartedly appreciate all of the messages I’ve received about my books and questions about doing follow up books! I hope you are all well, thank you so much for reading. Seriously it means the world to me. 
          Thank you guys!