
guys please send some love over to @Duck_Goddess_04 !!


can I just say that Aladdin 2019's version of One Jump was awful??? Sorry, but im really hoping that this isn't an unpopular opinion. Like, the dude isn't a singer. Just get someone who can sing and sounds similar to him! In the original, they got Brad Kane to sing for Scott, who was not a singer either. agHhhH its bothering me okie im done now byeee


@whisperer10 omg i agree with everything u just said


Sksksksk *hey


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aghhh i cannot stay on a schedule (not that i had one lol) during the school yearrrr sorry i haven’t updated in a while. i promise to post something soon. for now, go check out he latest chapter of hated hating you if you haven’t already :)