
Part five. 
          	I’m so so so terribly sorry. I need this break from Fragments and really social media itself. I’m far too anxious to continue on at this moment and I hope you all understand this message, My feelings, And my thoughts. I hope to make a come back in the future but as of right now I just need a moment to figure myself out a bit and to take a step back. I love you all so much words can not even express the amount of love I have in my heart for my readers and my book. I wouldn’t have ever gotten this far without any of you guys reading and giving supporting love to Fragments. Again I hope to come back and finish better then ever but right now I can’t think about that thought since it’s just stressing me out. 
          	I love you all please take care of yourselves during this time away. i hope to see you and Fragments all again in the future when I’m better and if I never come back and finish it, I’m so sorry but my mental health and personal life comes first. Extra kisses <3


Part five. 
          I’m so so so terribly sorry. I need this break from Fragments and really social media itself. I’m far too anxious to continue on at this moment and I hope you all understand this message, My feelings, And my thoughts. I hope to make a come back in the future but as of right now I just need a moment to figure myself out a bit and to take a step back. I love you all so much words can not even express the amount of love I have in my heart for my readers and my book. I wouldn’t have ever gotten this far without any of you guys reading and giving supporting love to Fragments. Again I hope to come back and finish better then ever but right now I can’t think about that thought since it’s just stressing me out. 
          I love you all please take care of yourselves during this time away. i hope to see you and Fragments all again in the future when I’m better and if I never come back and finish it, I’m so sorry but my mental health and personal life comes first. Extra kisses <3


Part four. 
          I’m not even sure what to call this, “break” “the end” both make my heart ache but I just don’t know what this is right now or what I am even going through right now. It maybe just a month. It might be more then a month… it might be forever. I’m hoping it’s not the last one but I can’t judge that right now since I have to live in the present and try my best to not think about the future. I don’t know what the future holds for myself or for Fragments. I’m trying to stay positive but the anxiety, stress and panic attacks is far far far too much to handle right now and I need to focus on healing myself first before I can try and think about the continuing of Fragments. I feel like I let you all down, I feel like I’m a disappointment in this decision and the decision of the possibility of Fragments never being completed. I’m so so so so sorry from the bottom of my heart. I’m broken into a million different pieces right now on this and my heart aches and is in total distraught. But for right now in this moment of writing this note, I think this is the best decision for myself currently. 


Part three. 
          My life has changed because of this book of course. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that I would get the guts to write my own book. All of you helped with all your kind messages of course too. But my life over the past year and a half has changed as well. I don’t cope well with change. I’ve acknowledged that. But my personal life and the relationships in my personal life cannot be compromised over a book. Things in life change and that’s okay, I’m trying to understand that it can be okay to change things up in my life. For the past year and a half my life has been the same. Work on Fragments and get a chapter out. it’s just all far too much to handle now at this point. I hope all of you guys reading this message right now can understand where I’m coming from. I hope you can see my struggles and understand that I need to step back for my own good. again I don’t know how long I’ll be gone for from this “break” from Fragments.


Part two. 
          The thought of giving up makes me feel like a failure though and that’s not fair to hold over myself because it’s not healthy for me. But continuing on with Fragments and suffering through anxiety and panic attacks is not healthy for me either. I’ve realized with this hard decision that I need to take time for myself here and figure out my life for myself for a bit and work on myself for a bit. what’s making this decision even harder is all of you lovely people who have sent me lovely messages about the love you have for Fragments and that you love this book and story between liberty and harry. Trust me, I love it too and I always thought and dreamt about seeing this book right through till the end. Seeing my liberty and Harrys relationship grow and flourish into something beautiful. I think I have gotten that between them both so far but of course I haven’t reached the end of the book. So I’m short on my dream. I love Fragments with all my heart. I love what I have created with it, I love the characters I have built with it everything. It’ll forever be there waiting if I ever feel better enough to come back to it. Right now I want to be honest I don’t know if I will be better to come back and one day complete this book. I hope and dream that one day I will. And maybe I’m just is a rut or writers block or something. But I have to stop and take a step back for my own sanity and mental health. This book is not a top priority and for so long I have seen it as a top priority of mine over my own self. I’ve felt like I’ve sort of trapped myself into this book and locked myself into feeling the need to complete it and have it perfect for not only myself but for everyone who reads it. I have been dependent on this book for so long and it’s become apart of me but right now I think I have to separate myself from it. It’s not healthy for me anymore and I’ve realized that.


Part one. 
          Hello everyone,
          I have a announcement to make, and it’s not the announcement you may have been anticipating. you were probably anticipating chapter 65 being announced, so was I too be completely honest. I have chapter 65 all done and ready, but something has changed. I want to share this all with you because my heart is in a million pieces with this and I have been pulled in every single different direction trying to figure out what’s best to do here. I don’t think right now I will be posting chapter 65 due to the circumstances I will get into further down in this note, I don’t think it would be right to leave Fragments off there due to what happens in chapter 65. Now you may all be confused about what I mean. So here’s my announcement. I will be stepping back from writing and working on Fragments. It’s become far to big of a stress in my life currently and it’s been giving me mass amounts of anxiety to deal with to the point where I find myself in panic attacks about it all. I want to be completely raw and real with you all, this is one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. The love and adoration I have for this book is beyond what words can express. I have been working my ass off with Fragments since March 9, 2021. It’s been a year and half that I’ve been working on this book and I’ve taken no breaks or time to myself since. I have been thinking about how much time I should take off and firstly just a month crossed my mind, but then a panic came across me and the thought of quitting it all together crossed my mind. All the decisions that have crossed my mind have broken me into a million pieces because one side of me wishes this wasn’t the circumstances and that I can push through. The other side of me though has just been thinking that maybe giving up completely is just better for me right now. 
