
          I really hope you don’t mind me posting on here, but could you please have a read of “Tangled Hearts”
          ✅ weekly updates 
          ✅ university romance 
          Sorry again but please have a read, if that’s okay 
          If you are upset about the post I will take it down immediately but can you please have a read. 
          I’ve spoken with the author for permission to promote her book. She’s very shy and this is an undiscovered Gem ❤️❤️✨


Hey there, 
          Have you ever read a psychological thriller that begins with a man who decides he wants his nephew… worse than dead?
          If that sounds even a little interesting, or just unusual, I kindly ask that you give my story “EVAUGHN” a try. It features romance, betrayal, moral conflict, and overall, a plot that forces you to rethink.
          There are 41 chapters (it’s finished, I’m just writing the sequel now), and I think you’ll enjoy the read. If you decide on it, know that I encourage tips on improvement (it isn’t perfect, but I assure you it has potential).
          Thank you so much for giving me your time.