
Hello everyone! Wow, honestly I didn’t expect that I would get much of a following here. I am indeed still alive! I recently started college and life has been hectic. I’ve received so many nice comments about my art and writing, that I will definitely continue updating! Sorry for the long wait, more is coming soon. Stay tuned :) 


@a_simple_frog  Thats wonderful! i hope you do great in collage! i cant wait for more posts to be out! also keep up the great work and stay safe!!


Do you know what happened to “The Third Reich and the Soviet Union” story? Where it shows TR and USSR in the afterlife? I came back to Wattpad to finish reading it and I CAN’T FIND IT I’M FREAKING OUT WHERE IS IT I CAN’T FIND @Starstruckmorals ON HERE TOO WHAT HAPPENED


this message may be offensive
@dah_third_reich I saw this and decided to read it and I read this entire fucking thing in one day, I have to say I love the writing but most importantly; the smut, the amount was surprising because not much CH creators make smut I was surprised lol


@dah_third_reich SHOOOT I should’ve replied to this saying I found it, I feel so bad 
            Thanks for putting the link, it’ll help out all the other down bad fans haha


@Countryhighmans Guys I found the book on another Web site I'm so happy, hope y'all will read this comment
            Here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41699109?view_full_work=true


Hello everyone! Wow, honestly I didn’t expect that I would get much of a following here. I am indeed still alive! I recently started college and life has been hectic. I’ve received so many nice comments about my art and writing, that I will definitely continue updating! Sorry for the long wait, more is coming soon. Stay tuned :) 


@a_simple_frog  Thats wonderful! i hope you do great in collage! i cant wait for more posts to be out! also keep up the great work and stay safe!!


Haha yes, another sacrif- another frog, I mean... Yo, what's up?


            ((Don't get to close to his Majesty, he'll sacrifice you to the goat gods.


Aye thanks for checking up on me! I’m currently working on some good stuff that will go up soon :D 