
אני משתתפת בצערם של כולם, אם אתם מכירים מישהו שנהרג או נחטף או נעדר. אני אשמח לפרסם אם אתם צריכים להסב תשומת לב של אנשים למודעת נעדרים, להגעה לשבעה, או סתם אם אתם צריכים לדבר.
          	אני כאן.
          	עם ישראל חי וגם אנחנו.
          	אוהבת אתכם.
          	My condolences to everyone who know someone that was murdered, kidnapped or missing. I would be more than happy to post on Any of my socials if you need to get people's attention to a missing person's info, to go to Shiva and comfort the grieving family members, or even if you just need to talk to someone and let it all out.
          	I'm here.
          	Am Israel Chai.
          	Love you.


מדהימה שאת❤️ תשארי חזקה


You're so shameful...!
          You support criminals, that's disgusting. 


Really sucks to be them… cant imagine myself supporting child r4pe and murder but you do you


Look at yourselves, you monster Israelis. You are funny. You came from nowhere to occupy a country that is not yours. What is even funnier is that you have a national anthem but no homeland. I feel sorry for you. 


@69KarishPatish420 thanks babe, really appreciate it!❤️❤️


@taekookih well "palestine" has a flag but no country, kinda funny don't you think? Go read a book outside of wattpad cause your stupidity is showing 


אני משתתפת בצערם של כולם, אם אתם מכירים מישהו שנהרג או נחטף או נעדר. אני אשמח לפרסם אם אתם צריכים להסב תשומת לב של אנשים למודעת נעדרים, להגעה לשבעה, או סתם אם אתם צריכים לדבר.
          אני כאן.
          עם ישראל חי וגם אנחנו.
          אוהבת אתכם.
          My condolences to everyone who know someone that was murdered, kidnapped or missing. I would be more than happy to post on Any of my socials if you need to get people's attention to a missing person's info, to go to Shiva and comfort the grieving family members, or even if you just need to talk to someone and let it all out.
          I'm here.
          Am Israel Chai.
          Love you.


מדהימה שאת❤️ תשארי חזקה