
          	hey y’all!
          	i’ve been wanting to post a message for some time but never really knew what to say…
          	but now i think i do. 
          	this may be long and i am writing as the thoughts come to me so bear with me please. you may want a snack! XD this will be cut into parts because it’s pretty lengthy. 
          	so, as some of you may have noticed, maybe you haven’t– and that’s okay, i’ve been pretty inactive here on wattpad. 
          	i have had wattpad since i was a youngster, like sixth grade lol. that’s when i wrote “you’re so annoying”! and had my first interaction (looking at you mikeyhoe ily <3) and a couple years after that i wrote “three words, i love you” i have a lot of fondness for those two books. honestly i used to be very embarrassed of my books, now i love them and honestly i love remembering all the moments of writing and reading your guys comments, which was probably my favorite part. y’all are funny.
          	but that’s where they stopped. completion wise. i started to notice around the beginning of twily, that i was struggling with my passion for writing stories and positing chapters and thinking of plot ideas, it was kind of fading away… regardless i pushed through to finish twily but it really burned me out. it actually burned me out during like, the majority of the writing process but i wanted to finish it for you guys. now that i’m older, i see there are MANY things i would change about twily (i have done some small edits here and there) and since it was me who wrote it, i can see the struggle to keep it going and keep it good and entertaining. sometimes i failed, sometimes it was good, but y’know what? i still love it with all of its flaws and cringe!


@_xXUnicornSlayerXx_ Thank you. I'll be happy if you read my book tho 
          	  As a gift for me and please, recommend to others.
          	  It's not finished yet but I'm trying 


@Toyinwrites_1 awe, your words are so kind <3 maybe some day if i get the steam to write and finish one more book, i will definitely try!


@MiniCulousss you are so sweet! thank you so much for the kind response, i am so happy to hear that ive been able to make you laugh <3


you know what? i was trying to avoid When I Look Up At The Stars because i've read it ten times and i'm literally addicted, and then i come onto your profile and i'm trying to control myself against it, because i've been writing spoilers in the comments sections because it's such a good book and i have zero per cent self-control and i really need help!
          @CoffeeGirl_10, why do you do this to me??


          hey y’all!
          i’ve been wanting to post a message for some time but never really knew what to say…
          but now i think i do. 
          this may be long and i am writing as the thoughts come to me so bear with me please. you may want a snack! XD this will be cut into parts because it’s pretty lengthy. 
          so, as some of you may have noticed, maybe you haven’t– and that’s okay, i’ve been pretty inactive here on wattpad. 
          i have had wattpad since i was a youngster, like sixth grade lol. that’s when i wrote “you’re so annoying”! and had my first interaction (looking at you mikeyhoe ily <3) and a couple years after that i wrote “three words, i love you” i have a lot of fondness for those two books. honestly i used to be very embarrassed of my books, now i love them and honestly i love remembering all the moments of writing and reading your guys comments, which was probably my favorite part. y’all are funny.
          but that’s where they stopped. completion wise. i started to notice around the beginning of twily, that i was struggling with my passion for writing stories and positing chapters and thinking of plot ideas, it was kind of fading away… regardless i pushed through to finish twily but it really burned me out. it actually burned me out during like, the majority of the writing process but i wanted to finish it for you guys. now that i’m older, i see there are MANY things i would change about twily (i have done some small edits here and there) and since it was me who wrote it, i can see the struggle to keep it going and keep it good and entertaining. sometimes i failed, sometimes it was good, but y’know what? i still love it with all of its flaws and cringe!


@_xXUnicornSlayerXx_ Thank you. I'll be happy if you read my book tho 
            As a gift for me and please, recommend to others.
            It's not finished yet but I'm trying 


@Toyinwrites_1 awe, your words are so kind <3 maybe some day if i get the steam to write and finish one more book, i will definitely try!


@MiniCulousss you are so sweet! thank you so much for the kind response, i am so happy to hear that ive been able to make you laugh <3