
          	Surprisingly you ended up here! I create reading lists when I find the time in this buzzing world; based on groups I follow and enjoy listening to. As I scavenger the world of stories on this platform on a nearly daily basis as I have nothing better to do, I have found some faves - as seen in my lists!
          	As for now I have:
          	- for carats [seventeen ships]
          	- jaeyong [nct]
          	- markhyuck [nct]
          	- chanbaek [exo]
          	Enjoy ;)


          Surprisingly you ended up here! I create reading lists when I find the time in this buzzing world; based on groups I follow and enjoy listening to. As I scavenger the world of stories on this platform on a nearly daily basis as I have nothing better to do, I have found some faves - as seen in my lists!
          As for now I have:
          - for carats [seventeen ships]
          - jaeyong [nct]
          - markhyuck [nct]
          - chanbaek [exo]
          Enjoy ;)