
I finished the book. Wow! Thanks guys so much for all the love and support you’ve given me, and the patience during my long absence! I’m happy you guys are here, reading this book until the end, and I love you all! Silver!!! :) <3


@_silversong ahhhh that was a good one, you're an incredibly talented writer and reading that book was a joy from start to finish. many tears were shed ofc- hope you stay happy, healthy, and have a great new year <33
          	  Also, if you plan on making any new books lmk id be happy to read them ',:)


I finished the book. Wow! Thanks guys so much for all the love and support you’ve given me, and the patience during my long absence! I’m happy you guys are here, reading this book until the end, and I love you all! Silver!!! :) <3


@_silversong ahhhh that was a good one, you're an incredibly talented writer and reading that book was a joy from start to finish. many tears were shed ofc- hope you stay happy, healthy, and have a great new year <33
            Also, if you plan on making any new books lmk id be happy to read them ',:)


WOO!! Thank you for 2k votes everyone! You guys are great! Your comments really are the absolute best, and I love reading them. I am so happy that you guys are so cool! Love you all! <3 Silver


Congrats luv, I'm so proud of you <3


I’ve been reading this book since it came out and its one of my favorites! Your writing is so amazing! Do you think an update will be out soon? And congrats!<3


Little late, but thanks guys for 100 and something followers! This is a great milestone for me, and it’s a nice boost lately. I’ve been taking a break from all social platforms for my mental health, and it makes me happy to see you all enjoying my content even if updates are a little slow. Love you all lots, and thanks for understanding! <3 Silver


@_silversong So happy for you, love. Glad you’re taking time for yourself! Health comes first, before anything else. Congrats on 100!


Eyyyyyyyy! 90 followers! Sorry the book is going a bit slow, I just have 0 will to do it right now. But I will finish soon, and if it gets enough good responses, I will make a sequel. Thank you all! <3


@_silversong Really felt this one, motivation is in constant shortage for me >.> I'm glad you're doing ok :-D


24k views and 80 followers? WTF! You guys are great, and I promise I will finish the book soon. :) Silver <3 ps. love you all.


@ARF-Shadow Soon is whenever writers block stops being a b*tch. <3 (hopefully this week if I'm lucky)


Woke up to 70 followers, and my mind is blown! I might not be updating my book this upcoming week, so just hang on. The story is coming to an end soon, and grab the tissues because you're going to need them. Love you all, and take care of yourselves! Silver (:


@Pickleandscooby Thank you so much. You have been there every step of the way for me! You are just an amazing person! Ily too <3




Also, sorry for the long time updating. I have so much to do right now, and I'm trying to do it all without getting overwhelmed. I promise I'll get more chapters out soon, and thank you all for being so patient with me! Love you all <3 Silver


@Pickleandscooby Aww, thank you. I'll try. <3 Love ya too (:


@_silversong It's alright, make sure you're taking care of yourself and getting the rest you need and deserve <3 Love ya :-)


HEYYYYY! 20K!!!!! All I can do is sit, brain empty, and draw sad fanart. I watched Tommy's stream at 12:00, then stayed up past 2:00 just drawing. That ending, for me, was completely unexpected and heart shattering. :( Silver.


@Pickleandscooby He is resurrected. You are prophet. Great prophet I now bow before you.


@_silversong I can't believe he's dead, though surely he'll get resurrected. I don't think they'd get rid of one of the main character that easily.


Hey, anyone excited for the end of this week? Tommy's getting out of prison, and I'm really nervous to see in what condition he's in. Half of me is thinking he comes out just dead silent, the other half thinks he just won't want to go back at all. Please reply with your theories, because I would love to hear them. :)


@_silversong Tbh I'm a bit worried about what his mental health will be like when he leaves O-o