
Okay so, here goes nothing 
          	Hi darlings! How are u all? I hope u people are doing well. 
          	So this announcement is about....
          	I am deleting HEARTSTRINGS REWOVEN 
          	Yes, u heard me right, I am deleting it
          	 but not permanently, I will start writing it all over again, making it better and much more interesting with timely updates and I will make sure to not drag the story or parts! Making them shorter but captivating. 
          	TBH I myself is finding the start boring and feeling like, why am I reading it? I should just drop reading it even the drafts that are saved with me is boring... therefore I am deleting it and will start from the beginning, new intro, new prologue and maybe some new plot aswell, but but the characters will be the same maybe some change in their behavior or attitude! 
          	Plus I have one more book planned for future and I am thinking of starting it after yk, completing HR halfway atleast and by the time I will just draft the chapters so that y'all don't have to wait much for updates. 
          	This is it! And don't worry I will restart the book by the mid of October 
          	Love y'all 
          	thank for reading and I hope u will be there for the restart of journey! 


@_selene_wrts yup ! We will be there 


Okay so, here goes nothing 
          Hi darlings! How are u all? I hope u people are doing well. 
          So this announcement is about....
          I am deleting HEARTSTRINGS REWOVEN 
          Yes, u heard me right, I am deleting it
           but not permanently, I will start writing it all over again, making it better and much more interesting with timely updates and I will make sure to not drag the story or parts! Making them shorter but captivating. 
          TBH I myself is finding the start boring and feeling like, why am I reading it? I should just drop reading it even the drafts that are saved with me is boring... therefore I am deleting it and will start from the beginning, new intro, new prologue and maybe some new plot aswell, but but the characters will be the same maybe some change in their behavior or attitude! 
          Plus I have one more book planned for future and I am thinking of starting it after yk, completing HR halfway atleast and by the time I will just draft the chapters so that y'all don't have to wait much for updates. 
          This is it! And don't worry I will restart the book by the mid of October 
          Love y'all 
          thank for reading and I hope u will be there for the restart of journey! 


@_selene_wrts yup ! We will be there 