
My depression book has reached over 400 reads at 50 chapters and I am so happy! Please keep reading and check it out of you haven't already. It means so much...like you don't even know.


hey guys! i have my new 5SOS  book 'summer camp'  and its first 2 chapters are out!!!
          chapter 3 is in process but i need you guys to vote and comment so i know if you guys are enjoying it.
          thanks and if you haven't already checked it out, make sure you do!


I will still be on but my updates will be flipped about slightly. Unfortunately I have found out I have an eating disorder and if I don't sort it I could die. I have a tummy and actually look over weight but I don't eat and that is what is scaring everyone because I have not had a proper meal in a long while. Please keep your patience for me thank you