
Updated my short story book "Affinities" https://www.wattpad.com/540200312-affinities-%E2%80%A28%E2%80%A2  it's a really short update though lol


SOOOOOOO HEYYYY! It's literally been forever and I know I ghosted on a couple stories but I've been writing this one for a couple months and I have a few chapters ready but they'll be uploaded on a weekly basis (Friday's) . I'm also just posting this prologue to see how it's received because I really love fantasy and I'm new to writing it. I've been wanting to post this story forever... I love it so much and I hope you do too.
          Here’s the link ❤️


Hi! Yes I'm still alive, I just finished 'Enigma' (as in posted the last chapter along with the epilogue) it'd mean the work if you guys checked it out. Also, Merry Christmas loves! ❤️❤️ hope you had a good one!