
Go follow @nee318


hey, i seen u re-upload a book on your other page but i can’t access your other account.. ☹️


@_ne_ne i see it now! thanks pooh  ur writing is amazing btw. i love how ur not afraid to step out of the box.. especially as a black author. keep pushing


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Oh shit lol my bad…go try now hun.


Okay y’all so this page will strictly be for horror/thriller stories (might have a tad bit of romance mixed in). “Sex Doll” was originally written and completed on this page so I’ll put that back since it falls in those categories. 


@mindlesskid98 yeah I’ll get around to posting that…just not now. The way it ended was changed so I have to go swap out the old ending and add the new one.


@_ne_ne hi  was there ever a book 2 for "Sex Doll"???