
Ramadan Kareem everyone. May Allah SWT accept your fasts and duas.


JAZAK ALLAH KHAIR for the HOLY BOOK. May ALLAH SUBHANA WA'TA ALA grant us jannah and save us from the fire of hell❤❤


Just passing on the words of Allah SWT


          I hope you are fine by the grace of Almighty Allah. I wish you and your family is healthy and sound in this critical moment! 
          I just found your book 'HOLY QURAN' in English. It has became very easy for me to know Allah! Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart ❤!
          Love you. 
          Stay well stay safe! 
          - Suri  (Author)


jazak'allah for the kind words. I pray you find guidance in the Quran and I pray your family is also healthy and safe during this time


Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, i just saw your book which happens to be hard to find on wattpad. I checked Suratul Naas ,Suratul Falaq and i had to check Suratul Baqarah.
           It's really amazing and thanks for having the time to write the Translation of the Holy Qur'an. 
          Jazakillahu khairan wa Jazakillahu bil Jannatul Firdaus. 


Wa assalamu alaikum, may Allah SWT reward you immensely for every word you read. I have updated the tags in order to find it easier, hope it helps others. 


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.♡
          May Allah swt bless you with His Protection,Provision,Help,Love,Forgiveness,
          Guidance & Mercy both in This World and The Hereafter.
          And grant you Jannat♡Ul♡Firdaus through His infinite mercy on you.
          Jazakallahu Khayran for sharing the words of Allah swt,I really hope you'll do further more with sharing the Truth and May Allah's help always be on you,Ameen.


Jazak'allah for all your kinds words, may Allah SWT bless you with nothing but the best in this world and the next insha'Allah. 


i really wanted to read quran ,i dont know why ...i wanted to know more about your religion ... anyway thankyou for translating the book and for uploading it .. il read it .. 


it's a beautiful religion, you become more intrigued as you read. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. Sorry for the late reply.


Thank you so much for updating this translation especially now before Ramadan. Please keep up the good work and Inshaallah you will receive Allah's blessings and rewards. Keep updating :) 


@lucid_dreamer7 Jazak'allah, I will try to upload more translations. May Allah SWT bless us all and make this ramadan a good one.