
With the return of the tbate manhwa I’ll continue my series on it


To those who are wondering what happened to my COTE books, relax dw imma give an explanation on it.
          First of all, thanks for all the love and support on them, without those two books I wouldn’t be as good as I am rn.
          But with that being said, I took them down due to me not liking the style of writing. COTE x TG had many unnecessary scenes that didn’t need to be there and White Room Love… no explanation for that
          That’s why for both stories I wouldn’t upload for a while, they just weren’t my style anymore. 
          I hope you guys understand
          P.S: don’t worry imma still make cote stuff, you’ll see 


Yea I agree as well, I think it was the way you used the characters that made it so interesting to me so I hope you can bring it back or send it to people who still want to finish reading bc I wasn’t done yet 


@ Randydandy7k  *that's 


@ _kosu_  well I kinda understand that 
            But the reason I like about it, it's because the dinamic relations between Kiyotaka and Yuichi it's just feel fun reading their dialog
            And also it's KiyoxHonami ship too so there my other reason 


Sorry to bother you man but “Any new update on the dragon ball x TBATE?!." I really enjoyed the previous Chapter's and I am waiting for more Chapter's. The stroy is amazing  I can't wait see how 'Asur' would react to a super Saiyan.
          Hope your having good day:)


Yeah I plan to start it up when I’m done with mha x op


Thinking about this MHA x JJK book and realised if I gave AFO RCT he’d be broken asf


@SethTDW LOOOOOOL, say less I love brain storming ideas my disc is hkosu


@_kosu_ but I’m always up to just talking about it with ya if you’re up for that man. All I need is ya discord cause Wattpad DMs suck worse than Bakugo in Canon


Just wanted to pop by and say I'm really digging your King of heroes story! Great work and I hope I see more chapters from you! 


Thank you!
            Currently I’m working on a massive Intermission chapter to help you guys remember all of my oc’s since most of the cast important cast are OC’s, the next chapter shouldn’t come out too long after it.


Btw if you see my story (MHA one) on AO3 go support it, I’m just posting the chapters on there so people who don’t use wattpad can see
          Don’t worry I’m staying on wattpad, AO3 is too hard for me to handle lmao


I did not know you guys liked WR Love THAT much


@_kosu_ one of the best lemon stories in cote or probably in the whole anime wattpad community