
Hi hello. I have not been active here on Wattpad in a long time. I've recently had some spare time and a new wave of inspiration and I'm now pleased to tell you (whatever followers I still have on here haha) that a new story is coming your way. I hope to pair that with my writing style that has much matured since the last time I wrote on this site in order to create a book that is truly amazing. I do not have many details to share about this story at the moment but here's what I can say:
          	-The writing process has begun
          	-I do not know how long it will be exactly but I do know that I plan on making this one a fully finished book
          	-I will most likely write the whole thing (or at least half of it) before I begin to post chapters on here.
          	Thank you to all of the people that read my past stories and still follow me (although I have no clue why anyone would continue to follow me after me being inactive for two years). I hope to have your support on my new book! 


Hi hello. I have not been active here on Wattpad in a long time. I've recently had some spare time and a new wave of inspiration and I'm now pleased to tell you (whatever followers I still have on here haha) that a new story is coming your way. I hope to pair that with my writing style that has much matured since the last time I wrote on this site in order to create a book that is truly amazing. I do not have many details to share about this story at the moment but here's what I can say:
          -The writing process has begun
          -I do not know how long it will be exactly but I do know that I plan on making this one a fully finished book
          -I will most likely write the whole thing (or at least half of it) before I begin to post chapters on here.
          Thank you to all of the people that read my past stories and still follow me (although I have no clue why anyone would continue to follow me after me being inactive for two years). I hope to have your support on my new book! 