
my acc is so dry i miss my old one.


@_elliebelly hol up imma spam rn


my acc is so dry i miss my old one.


@_elliebelly hol up imma spam rn


this message may be offensive
So basicully broski was on a ski trip and then he cheated on his girlfriend she told me abiut it and i told her to dump him imstead of wannting to kill the girl he cheated with innit, and then her bestfriend came up to me and started waffling on how she punched and i.asled her why and she said because maya wont let us be together and i said who and she said her boyfriend and i said why and then she said because then i wont have him so i thought she was jealous so i asked again have who and she said her boyfriend or now ex and then thats when it clicked when maya got cheated on, the girl was her bestfriend, thats so fucking jarring buv like i knew the mandem were not excited to hear this news about broski innit but anywayyyyyy.


@_elliebelly yea ur so right so i guess its a good thing their just characters in my friends new book


@readwriteandwriter idk i’d say stay out of drama and trouble 


@_elliebelly i dont know i havent spoken to her since, should i