
Ever read smut filled with adorable little scenes and they're soooooo cute and you kind of just *EXPLOSION*


Aish, I'm so thankful you like my stories. So thank you! *Bows.* But can I ask why aren't you writing some stories yourself? I bet you would be so good! Besides, you like the coolest stuff so I would SO support your work if you ever made some!


@K_Pop_Fantasy Thank you! (^ω^) I'll try my best!


Hihi, you're the cutest. I'm so honored. Thank you @HappiFaceHappi!
            Ah, over-thinking is the worst it kills everything, but just know it's a normal author thing. But I hope to see your work in the future!


@K_Pop_Fantasy I feel like a celebrity has just messaged me! I love your works!! And I've thought about writing my own story, but I feel like I over think many of my ideas. Maybe in the future? ^^


thank you for following me :)


@Coconut_Kid No problem ^^ I really like your  stories!!