
          	My new account
          	Ill be deleting my other old accounts from now on 
          	Please be informed 


wow. I just realized how bad I am at writing books or whatever you call my works...eh. they'll be deleted soon so no worries. as for those who kept calling me names and saying stuff about my works, i hope you sleep tight tonight cuz i'll be gone, hopefully you won't continue doing these shits to me on my other account so please i am asking you to leave me alone. like the hell why you keep insulting me at school for having a wattpad account? when you yourselves have one. and please, i was merely being honest with the teachers, I am simply doing my duty as a student so please do show some respect to our teachers and don't be mad once you three comeback at school on Monday. See you soon boys.
          and bro? sorry if I'll be deleting my works here and this account as well but I won't be writing for a good while. maybe even forever. i've lost my confidence a long time ago i just didn't wanna let you down cuz you're the only one who seems to read and appreciate my works. maybe i'll try to write again in the far future, talk to you soon bro
          anyway that's all people, peace out!


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So you got some mental illness? I got more than you have. I've paranoid personality disorder and I'm a bipolar too. I'm a fucked up anxious person and I face the fucking insomnia. Sorry if it disturbed you but just wanted to share with somebody ^^


@paranoid0309 since I really want to get to know each other, I sure would visit your other account. I know how you felt when you said you're happy to know me, same was for me when I saw your abouts. Your friends tryna save you?! My friends tryna do worse than killing me. They ain't friends right? The world would be a better place to me if I could find someone like you around me could stay miles away from those who claim themselves normal and me abnormal. Talk to you soon!


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@paranoid0309  aww thanks, weird for others but i feel glad? no appy is not the right term but you get my point. the feeling of not being alone, I'm suffering insomnia as of now and right now some of my friends in real life are calling it over cause apparently they can't handle my "crazy shit" anymore...I'm mentally broken, emotionally unstable and so fucking god damn fucked up right now. I dun'o what to do. They're mad at me whenever they see a new cut on my wrist or when i try to kill my self but really if they hate me so much why won't they just let me die? They couldn't let me live, and they couldn't let me die, the fuck am i supposed to do...anyways thanks for your time in reading? my uhh what ever people call 'em and thanks for saying something as well. 
            Though I do hope we get to talk more, and get to know each other better  i guess? Anyway...
            I'll be deleting this account soon, so if you wanna talk to me some more you can go to my other account its at @rivacaryl1223
            see ya around, peace out!