
Is RWBY pretty much the only series that is still got fan fiction for it going on or is it just one of the largest ones?


Writing Prompt - 
          Your aboard a small space vessel, sustained through cryogenic sleep along with your cybernetic enhancements. One day you wake up to find the rest of the crew missing and the emergency lights on. The terminals around only say “Err- Help. Me.”


@TheBlackWarden XD yeah I could see that


Ellen Ripley: *Nostromo flashback intensifies*


So, today will be the last day that I work on the property that we are trying to buy before actually buying it! Then after this we gotta go back to the state we left (god I’m not looking forward to being cooked alive) to finish up some remodeling, just putting in new flooring in 3 bathrooms, then staying there. Hopefully I’ll have time to actually get around to writing. I know I said I would do some while I was up here but so far work as been getting up around 7 and not being home till 12-1am.
          Sorry again for not posting ina while but I think I’ve got some good ideas to move my stories forward!


Helllo everyone, ladies, gentlemen, nobles, peasants, soldiers, and Militia! I am still alive and ready to get back into writing out my books again, I will soon be getting a new desktop set up to be able to pursue what I desires. However this comes at a cost, I will be a far bit busy until that happens so progression on new chapters will be slow until we are settled down at the new house. Even if said house is more so 4 barns and a house on 50 acres of land with a custom built house coming after everything is currently there is taken care of. I wish everyone the best of times or hopefully your day will get better if it is not so well as of now.


Hit you with holy BOOP!


*Boops you in holiness*


Gasps in surprise. I shall have to boop you back


I have passed my test for my certificate of adobe photoshop. ^-^


Well then, the more you know!


@AmericanBlitzkrieg there is a certificate that you could put on resumes and such saying that you know how to use this program. It looks good on resumes and also gives employers more than just your word for verification that you can use the program professionally. Since I’m an artist, it will be useful for me. I believe my next certification will be for adobe illustrator. The certificate is not required to use the program, only if you want to say that your capacity extends to professional work outside of your portfolio. Your portfolio would be shown on resumes for jobs that require or desire one such as graphic design jobs n what not


Wait, there was a test? And you need a certificate!?
            Other than those mind-shattering revelations, congratulations, man!


Imagine your traveling through space, you want to get to your destination quickly so you use a “Gateway” which is a massive structure that acts as the entrance to a highway. Only when you use it, it shoots you off somewhere unknown. Next time you wake up, your ship has been traveling for several hundred, thousand light years however you have stopped traveling which is why you’ve awaken. You may not know it yet but your in an a web with many other ships entangled. All climbs together. Even if your ship was capable of moving, it would be well over your lifetime for reaching help or even receiving a signal that help is coming. You would be well past by the time your signal reaches anyone should it. Your the only one left among your crew, the illusions say otherwise. However your not alone. The thing keeping you company is what’s keeping you in the illusion. Should you manage to escape or pressure the creature to show you the truth, you will find the state of your surroundings and your crew. All of them dead and some decomposed while others are just skeletal remains. Non show signs of being consumed for food by the creature. This all comes to a shock to your system which causes the creature to put you back in an illusion with no memory of what just happened.
          Would you live in blissful ignorance till you pass, or live with the truth of your situation? Or would you try to make it all end.