
I apologize to all who is reading I used to smile that is taking me so long to write updates. It has been so hard to write. It's not because of writers block but, simply because I can see the ending and UGH my heart. It's breaking. 
          	We are in the final. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it.


I apologize to all who is reading I used to smile that is taking me so long to write updates. It has been so hard to write. It's not because of writers block but, simply because I can see the ending and UGH my heart. It's breaking. 
          We are in the final. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it.


After a super long business trip I had last month that lasted 3 weeks and much needed rest I’m back to writing. New chapter will be up soon! I’m sad to say the end is near. I can see it now and that hurts. Sammy and Nora have been in my thoughts for an entire year and while there is a sequel I’m still sad to not write through Sammy. But just wanted to pop in and say thank you to everyone who has read and gone on this journey with me! 


I switched to an IPhone and I can finally edit my chapters at work again. Updates should be quicker now. Yay!


@kenzobeanz Yes love <3 Though it's having a hard time sending messages to the correct phone. So I have to keep checking between phones. But I think when I'm finished setting up the Iphone and reset the Android it will correct that.


Same number?!


I was writing through my break and conference call and I don't want to stop but I'm opened and closing and I'm writing when Sammy finally confessed to Nora on her side of the story and I just love them together so much. 


@_Loveisnotover_ I think they have been my favorite couple to write. I mean besides my boys Steve and Dan. They are at the very top of my list 


Not me asking The Rose what their Harry Potter house is tonight so I can add it in my story lmao 


this message may be offensive
They are literally the nicest people I have ever met the fuck 


And Hajoon said he was a hufflepuff.  which is the most fitting thing I ever heard. 


Dojoon was Gryffindor