Am I Deceit? No definitely not
Name: Deceit Sanders
Gender: Male
Age: As old as I want to be
Crush(s): ???

Other Sides
Remus- @-Chaotic_Duke
Dez- @--Insomnia_Sanders--
Virgil- @Secretly-Anxious
Patton- @_Morality
Logan- @_Falsehood
Roman- @SirSing-A-Lot
Dr.Picani- @Sleepy_potatowoman

Oc Sides
Maegan (Understanding)- @ItzMeaganBeliever
Mac (Weirdness)- @mac-sanders

Admin: @amycrazygirl101
  • Possibly with Remus, possibly behind you, possibly in court oh the possibility are endless it's horrible isn't it. *Smirks*
  • JoinedJanuary 5, 2020