
Hi folks,
          	For anyone wondering, yes "Following in Your Footsteps" is on hiatus (ik, ik, I'm sorry) I just feel like I could do a much better job if i finish it first. I promise Äte and Momus and Hecate and Malcolm and everyone else will be back soon, probs sometime next year. I don't wanna put a date on it bc by sod's law it then wont work but I haven't given up. To everyone who's read so far, thank you so much, I owe you all my love and support.
          	I'll be back, but maybe not for a while, but in the meantime, "Procrastination Productivity", and "a brief history of 2020" will probs be updated every couple months if I feel like it.
          	Thanks for sticking with me, I'll see you before you know it!
          	Zurhys :)


Hi folks,
          For anyone wondering, yes "Following in Your Footsteps" is on hiatus (ik, ik, I'm sorry) I just feel like I could do a much better job if i finish it first. I promise Äte and Momus and Hecate and Malcolm and everyone else will be back soon, probs sometime next year. I don't wanna put a date on it bc by sod's law it then wont work but I haven't given up. To everyone who's read so far, thank you so much, I owe you all my love and support.
          I'll be back, but maybe not for a while, but in the meantime, "Procrastination Productivity", and "a brief history of 2020" will probs be updated every couple months if I feel like it.
          Thanks for sticking with me, I'll see you before you know it!
          Zurhys :)


Hey guys, I have a posting schedule for "Following in your footsteps"! I'll try to post every Thursday, although I'll probably miss a few. The next part is already written and I'm about to start work on the bit after. See you Thursday and thank you for reading!


Hey guys, Happy Pride! Here are the links for a site with petitions and places to donate to and Chaz Smith and Zoe Amira's videos. For Zoe's video please watch all the way through and don't skip the ads as all ad rvenue goes to fund Black Lives Matter funds and Black Lives Matter related bail funds. I stand against racism and stand with my black brothers and sisters. I do not and cannot fully understand your pain as a white person, but I will stand with you.
          Petitions and places to donate:
          #" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co #</a>
          Zoe Amira's Video:
          Chaz Smith's Video:


"co forwardslash #"


Sorry the first link is refusing to work but the section that starts with "https://" and ends ".co #" is the address.


The third and most important point. PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES, BOTH MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY. I don't want to break down anyone's door in the middle of the night to make sure you're taking care of yourselves, but I will. This is your warning, the next stage is me kicking down your door, hand sanitizer in hand, yelling "This is your 3am vibe check" at the top of my lungs. No one wants that.
          Some useful links to the WHO website, but please remember that your government or healthcare provider can also give you advice.
          Lastly, be on the lookout for two possible new books, because I now have an indefinite amount of spare time on my hands!
          Take care of yourselves,


In light of recent developments in coronavirus precautions where I live, I just wanted to jump on here and say a few words.
          The first thing is simple. Please be nice to each other. Times are uncertain. I get that completely. But being decent human beings and treating everyone with a bit of respect, even if they took the last pack of toilet role, is important, now more than ever. Of course, you should be doing this anyway. Also, please remember that the coronavirus is no one's fault. There is no room for bigotry and discrimination in this world, let alone Coronavirus inspired racism.
          The second point is please don't panic. Take this pandemic seriously, please, but there is no need to panic. Be aware of things you can do to help protect yourself and others, like regular handwashing, social distancing, self-isolation and good general hygene. Also, regardless of whether you are self-isolating or not, please take a moment to get in touch to get in contact with someone if you know they are. Check in on them, set up a call. Be nice.