
Yesterday we lost another great legend. The man who voiced Darth Vader and Mufasa and became a big part of my childhood has passed. The wound is still fresh. Hard to believe we lost him. 
          	But I know one thing, he left us a legacy that we all will carry in our hearts and memories till the end of our days. 
          	Goodbye James Earl Jones, may you become one with the living force. And may you join the great kings of the past, watching over us. :-(


Yesterday we lost another great legend. The man who voiced Darth Vader and Mufasa and became a big part of my childhood has passed. The wound is still fresh. Hard to believe we lost him. 
          But I know one thing, he left us a legacy that we all will carry in our hearts and memories till the end of our days. 
          Goodbye James Earl Jones, may you become one with the living force. And may you join the great kings of the past, watching over us. :-(


Hello . I love you stories 


@Zilla2000 I think Arya should be one of the love interest in the Game Of Thrones fanfic (just age her up) alongside Dany


            You can write this : ?! 
            Elsa son wolverine 
            ( Child like power wolverine Hugh Jackman) 
            After Frozen 2 ) single mother) child hero) 
            Child from another world 2023) 


@HoumanMv Maybe, i have a hard time trying to update my other stories but I’ll try.  


Happy Easter everyone. Also the day of Resurrection. Sorry for not updating my stories for a while, I’ve been dealing things personally with my life which gave me little time for my stories. I’m good now and just taking things one step at a time, especially my mothers condition, but she’s still going strong not letting her condition get the best of her and getting ready to fight it. Showed me to keep going and root for her. So I will.
          Also I’ll be putting a few more stories that popped up in my head. Doing them one step at a time. Got back into Star Wars again thanks to the Bad Batch. Still going strong with Godzilla so be expecting those franchises coming in soon. 
          Anyway that’s all I wanted to say. Just to let you guys know that I’m doing ok and I’ll be writing a bit more. 


@Zilla2000 understandable, it seems fair.
            Nice seeing you again


Hey guys I’m sorry for this but I don’t think I’ll be able to get most of my promises for this year. This year started all Hell for me. Earlier this year, trying to find a new house. And now my mother has Liver Cancer, and it’s very serious. She’s hanging in there, but me….ah hell, I feel like it’s all coming down, so many things happening at the same time. So try to understand that I’ll be doing my stories just not frequently as I use too. 
          I’m sorry. 


@Zilla2000 Dude, I heard about what happened...I'm really sorry to heard about your mother, man.


Sorry about your mother. It’s best you stay close to your mother and help as best as you can.


          Man what a crazy year we had gotten. Wondering what else will be crazy this year. Hopefully nothing too extreme.
          Anyway I have a few announcements to make.
          For this year I have some stories in the works and will be coming out later this year. A few Godzilla stories that will be up next the coming year, lol. One being in the “Shadow”, in a certain “Remnant world”. And helping Pandora. I’m sure you know what these are from.
          Also a few more military and Star Wars ones as well from various anime.
          I’ll be doing a couple of stories from a certain “Arzenal.”
          And last in the end of January. I’ll be updating a story I’ve been wanting to return for a while after a long hiatus. Along with a different version of this story. 
          That’s all the things I have planned out and put into the works. I hope you’re excited for more. I’ll also be updating the others stories as well. This time put more effort into them like I use too whenever I can as my new years resolution. Hope you enjoy your new years. Have fun and stay safe. 
          See ya.


@Christopherjones0901 thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind.


@Zilla2000 Thanks. I hope that you will still update your "The Empire's Arc" story and your "War for Remnant" story. 
            Just one more thing, I would advise you to not create too many stories that can distract you and make it harder to choose what story to update.