
I have many things about books that I want to say 'cause I just finished watching an adaptation, but we'll get on that another time. 
          	This is just for my preference, but I'd rather have the guy(ml) who had slept with HUNDREDS of different women that the fl doesn't know or has a close relation with (as long as he's clean tho), rather than who slept with ONE who the fl has a close relationship with (sister, bsf, cousin, aunt, mother ffs). And if one of that hundreds is in that parenthesis, that's a NO for me too. I won't read the book, especially when they're still close with that person. 
          	Maybe actually it depends, as long as that person is not really a major character. Idk, just came to my mind. Idc though if it's the other way around HAHAHAHA, 'cause I actually don't mind "brother's ex-gf" trope, or "ex-bf's father" (don't come for me), and I love "ex-bf's bsf".


@ZeiSFour sameeee idk if it's the girl code or something but even if the ml had that talking stage with someone the fl knows I'll immediately get the ick. But I'm all for the revenge plot of "ex bf brother" or anyone related to the ex. Are we sick?


@ZeiSFour same but it goes both ways for me 


          	  Girl SAME-
          	  I'd rather read about a commitment-phobe manwhore male lead who sleeps with random women the fl doesn't know or isn't around rather than a male lead who has slept with someone important (to him or to her) or has been in love before.
          	  Like- him being in love with someone before the fl? No thanks. I'd rather she be the first and only in at least ONE THING, if not sexual, then at least in his heart.


Hey!!! I just need a minute of yours?
          Quick question for you. Do you remember a book on Wattpad about a werewolf world where males and females are divided, and homosexuality in the mating system is normal? Then one day, the alpha of the male community meets the alpha of the female community, and the male alpha finds out that his mate is a female! (she wasn't the alpha but ig had accomapnied her alpha)
          At first, they have a lot of differences, and he treats her pretty badly. But after some incidents, they start to care for each other. (also there was a scene where she was gonna be raped by the female alpha but her mate saves her....guess she went to female pack to have her pads as male pack didn't have those) ....She eventually becomes pregnant, which is unheard of in their world. 
          Later, it’s hinted that a powerful elder from the male community might have been behind the division and erased everyone's memory of the other gender.
          The story was on hold where the male alpha gets captured by the elders, and his pregnant mate sets out with some loyal friends to rescue him. The author took a break after that, and I haven't seen any updates since.
          Does this sound familiar to you? Do you know if the author came back or continued the story? I'd love to know what happens next!
          Thanks a bunch!


@ZeiSFour AH! I hope the same! Thank youuu!


@Girlz_diavolo sorry but I'm not familiar with it. Hope you find it tho! 


Can someone please recommend a good polygamy dominant submissive book with NO CHEATING drama and happy ending please iam desperate for books


@ZeiSFour dude literally follow your reading list I will check out soon


@AjeebbaYasmin2 Check out my list for Poly, but there are some that I haven't read yet. You can pick some and ask me, maybe I've already seen it and I can confirm for you. I don't read books with cheating. 


I have many things about books that I want to say 'cause I just finished watching an adaptation, but we'll get on that another time. 
          This is just for my preference, but I'd rather have the guy(ml) who had slept with HUNDREDS of different women that the fl doesn't know or has a close relation with (as long as he's clean tho), rather than who slept with ONE who the fl has a close relationship with (sister, bsf, cousin, aunt, mother ffs). And if one of that hundreds is in that parenthesis, that's a NO for me too. I won't read the book, especially when they're still close with that person. 
          Maybe actually it depends, as long as that person is not really a major character. Idk, just came to my mind. Idc though if it's the other way around HAHAHAHA, 'cause I actually don't mind "brother's ex-gf" trope, or "ex-bf's father" (don't come for me), and I love "ex-bf's bsf".


@ZeiSFour sameeee idk if it's the girl code or something but even if the ml had that talking stage with someone the fl knows I'll immediately get the ick. But I'm all for the revenge plot of "ex bf brother" or anyone related to the ex. Are we sick?


@ZeiSFour same but it goes both ways for me 


            Girl SAME-
            I'd rather read about a commitment-phobe manwhore male lead who sleeps with random women the fl doesn't know or isn't around rather than a male lead who has slept with someone important (to him or to her) or has been in love before.
            Like- him being in love with someone before the fl? No thanks. I'd rather she be the first and only in at least ONE THING, if not sexual, then at least in his heart.


I  was reading your bio and I have few recommendations for you. I think you should try 'The Kingpin of Camelot ' and 'Best Knight Ever' by Cassandra Gannon. These books have everything you are looking for. And if you are looking for good historical romance try Alice Coldbreath's books. Her books are amazing!


@rowankaneismybeloved Hiii thank you so much! unfortunately my school break just ended, but I'll definitely check those out when I have time <3


Hi, actually I need your help. I've been looking for this book idk what it's name was but it was werewolf romance. The male lead's name was Dimitri (I think? I'm 80% sure but I could be wrong) and the female lead was in wheelchair. Ml didn't like her at first and would ignore her/was rude to her. I don't really remember much but I hope someone can help me find this book..


@bitch948 I read it really long time ago and it was typical good girl and rude cold hearted guy type.


Hi I wanna read dalaric by ARKHNN but I found out it's not on Wattpad.. somebody pls help me find it's pdf or I will legit cry...it was one of my favourite books


The author said she didn’t like the book and wants to move on from it. It’s been permanently deleted for a while now and it’s not out anywhere else