
I'm currently starting a new book called "How to Become a Supervillain" and I promise I will finish writing this book by the end of this year. All I ask is if you could read and comment on it! And if you like it, vote for it I appreciate it. If you want me to continue any previous book tell me, I'll happily write.


I'm currently starting a new book called "How to Become a Supervillain" and I promise I will finish writing this book by the end of this year. All I ask is if you could read and comment on it! And if you like it, vote for it I appreciate it. If you want me to continue any previous book tell me, I'll happily write.


Hey guys! Or gals, whatever you people are. I just posted "Into a Nightmare" it's basically my story "Nightmare" but better and improved! Some scenes have changed and others have stayed the same but I hope you enjoy! :P