
And so, Murder Drones comes to an end. I don’t like Episode 8. The Solver is being stupid by searching for Uzi and N, could’ve just used the giant energy tentacles at ANY time, but decided not to. Uzi eating the Solver is…stupid too? Why would a host eating the heart of the Solver kill it/absorb it? Why didn’t Cyn just reach forward faster? What the hell happened to J? How did Copper 9 get fixed? Why didn’t The Solver just run or teleport away and use its giant energy tentacles? Everything is resolved with no explanation; for example, Copper 9 is fixed somehow. Even if you say Uzi fixed it, it should’ve been shown. What are the implications of Uzi’s absorption? How did V survive? What happened to the Sentinel that was tamed? 


@ChristopherWoolard I do have a Death Battle story though. It’s between fanfic characters.


And so, Murder Drones comes to an end. I don’t like Episode 8. The Solver is being stupid by searching for Uzi and N, could’ve just used the giant energy tentacles at ANY time, but decided not to. Uzi eating the Solver is…stupid too? Why would a host eating the heart of the Solver kill it/absorb it? Why didn’t Cyn just reach forward faster? What the hell happened to J? How did Copper 9 get fixed? Why didn’t The Solver just run or teleport away and use its giant energy tentacles? Everything is resolved with no explanation; for example, Copper 9 is fixed somehow. Even if you say Uzi fixed it, it should’ve been shown. What are the implications of Uzi’s absorption? How did V survive? What happened to the Sentinel that was tamed? 


@ChristopherWoolard I do have a Death Battle story though. It’s between fanfic characters.


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Why the fuck are you making the bad guys fanfiction bro? Why does that even exist?


@TheFunniesOfThemis I was bored. Haven’t updated it in months anyway, it’s basically done.


Do you need art of your suggested character? cus my character has none.


if I can get art of my character can i suggest him?


know anyone who does art for free? I'm broke.


Death Battle’s Second Season will be on a bit of a hiatus, I don’t have any actual ideas for the fifth episode. Feel free to suggest anything. Could be a hiatus of indefinite length.


@Green_Boot Okay, I'll remember this.


@Zamasu1226 Like I said I got a character in a fanfic. Art of the character is currently being worked on. I'll get back to you when it's done


This is going to be pretty important. I’m currently working on a massive collaboration between multiple authors, about Murder Drones. It’s gonna be this massive crossover with YOU in it! Yes, you. Well, technically you. It’s going to be fun, well-written and complex. The prologue is basically done already, and the only thing really holding us back is our lack of a good idea for a title. So go and follow J-nius (the organizer of the collab) if you want to keep up with this collab.