
Hi everyone! It's been a while. 
          	My intended post-Christmas break has gone on for longer than I was expecting. I know you're waiting for the next update of The Other Side, and I hope to get that to you soon.  I just wanted to let you know that I'm at something of a crossroads with my writing, and I am trying to figure out some things first. 
          	I really appreciate your patience, and in the meantime, I've reuploaded some short stories to Wattpad. If you want something to tide you over, please check it out: https://www.wattpad.com/story/138080-slivers-short-stories-other-shards
          	Thank you for reading!
          	~ Yvette
          	PS. What *are* you reading lately? I'd love some recommendations (Wattpad or not)


First let me say.... Your story telling is TOP NOTCH! I read the psychic series from one to 3 in under 48 hours because I could not stop! I'm so invested in the gang now. I'm looking forward to more. Book 3 epilogue ended on a real cliffhanger and I'm is such suspense!! I'm hoping to see Rachel's growth. Luc and the rest as well. I think Rachel has lots of interesting revelations to make.  Thank you for giving us readers something so suspense filled and attention grabbing. I haven't been this enthralled with a piece of work in a long time! 


Yvette... M not sure if you're gonna see this but I'll write anyways...
          You r my favorite writer on wattpad!!!
          You're books r breathtaking!
          I know it's too much to ask for, but, u see, I don't repeat novels  ,
          You're book CRYPTID was the first I have ever repeated on wattpad,, and trust me, it still gave me the goosebumps I got whn I first read it!!!! ❤️...
          Yvette plss,, as you're humble fan,, can v pls get a sequel for cryptid,, plsss???????.....
           V need Liam nd penelope plsss!!
          I hope you'll reply sooon!...
          Love you... Keep writing 


Hi! This was a lovely message to wake up to on my birthday! 
            Thank you so much for being a fan and for reading my work. It really warms my heart to hear that you love CRYPTID so much. It has a special place in my heart and I am always happy when people enjoy it. And don’t worry, i do have plans for a CRYPTID sequel, though it’s just in the idea stage for now.
            Thank you again for reading! It means the world to me. 


Hi everyone! It's been a while. 
          My intended post-Christmas break has gone on for longer than I was expecting. I know you're waiting for the next update of The Other Side, and I hope to get that to you soon.  I just wanted to let you know that I'm at something of a crossroads with my writing, and I am trying to figure out some things first. 
          I really appreciate your patience, and in the meantime, I've reuploaded some short stories to Wattpad. If you want something to tide you over, please check it out: https://www.wattpad.com/story/138080-slivers-short-stories-other-shards
          Thank you for reading!
          ~ Yvette
          PS. What *are* you reading lately? I'd love some recommendations (Wattpad or not)


I love all your stories, especially the psychic series. When would the fourth book be out, and waiting for the other side's new chapter. Is there a sequel for my soul to take? Did Rachel's ex really cheat on her or is there a story on that?


I can't wait for the fourth book of the psychic series  thank you for writing such an amazing series


@TulipDreamer1 For Rachel and Luc's relationship, I can't really say anything, as that's something I'll be exploring in the story. As for Rachel's appearance, she's pretty but average-looking,  with thick brown hair (that got burnt off and cut between book 1 & 2) and brown eyes.


@YvetteRussell, what's Rachel's physical appearance? 


Hi. Hope you are doing okay! Just wanted to check up on you. Eagerly waiting for an update on Lenor's story. Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night. 


(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


@YvetteRussell  Good morning and no no please take your time. I'mma just wait patiently till then. Have a nice day author. :)


Happy Holidays, God Jul, Merry Whatsits!
          Thank you for all your support this year. Every time I post, I am in awe that I have all you lovely folk reading my work.
          Though I'm currently posting on my alt account @ChristmasRomance, I will return in the New Year with new spooky reads... But if you're looking for something festive to tide you over, check out @ChristmasRomance and my story CHRISTMAS BREAK!
          Happy reading and happy holidays!


          NaNoWriMo has begun, and the rumours are true… My Christmas romance and Watty contender CHRISTMAS BREAK is getting a sequel!
          Announcing CHRISTMAS DEBATE, my (modified) NaNoWriMo project for 2023! If I complete NaNoWriMo, I’ll start posting in December, so send me all your positive thoughts!
          Want to be notified when new chapters start to go up? Add the new book to your library here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/355166245-christmas-debate
          And if you can't wait, don't forget that I have other Christmas stories on my profile @ChristmasRomance
          Thank you again for reading and for all your support!
          PS. As always with NaNoWriMo, its hectic schedule requires me to pause my other projects until the end of the month. Updates will resume in the New Year. Thank you for understanding and for your patience. 


@YvetteRussell Exciting! Love a festive story. Cannot wait to read it :)