
for some reason I feel like not continuing but wanted to continue the story
          	It feels weird now....or should I say uncomfortable to make it now.... I can't replace it or change the story seen that one person is the best role for it.. I don't know.... I need alot alot of time to adjust if I can continue it then so be it... 


@Wilbur-Soot_ it okay just take your sweet time


for some reason I feel like not continuing but wanted to continue the story
          It feels weird now....or should I say uncomfortable to make it now.... I can't replace it or change the story seen that one person is the best role for it.. I don't know.... I need alot alot of time to adjust if I can continue it then so be it... 


@Wilbur-Soot_ it okay just take your sweet time


One more day I will publish... I just need more time..(Mr Perfect first ever chapter) 


I cant I have to go to a birthday***


@Alice_Alishia that's a good idea thank you for that! I'll be sure to publish as soon as I can mostly this week I can i have go birthday, celebrate family reunion and more so I'll be sure after all of this event I'll be publishing :D


@Wilbur-Soot_ yay i have an idea tho could maybe the blue or yellow diamond be entroduced to the story? idk but I hope you have a great day/night


me: *thinking about deleting one book and make a new one*
          Me agian: *if I make a new book I'll be stuck doing 4 books at the same time *
          Also me:* haven't Finnish my final activities,homework,module and I'm thinking about making a new book*
          I can't do it alone... I already miss doing making chapters but I have to Finnish until school break  
          See you all at May :'D


@Wilbur-Soot_  there's 3 books that discontinued and ill be unpublished one that is not that much popular so I'll be working on 2 and 1 new book I wanna improve my English grammar seen my friend is quite busy seen he has more work then me so for my followers if you see a mistake please just comment don't say mean stop please i been getting a few lately and I delete them seen i don't want negative comments that will put me down thank you for you time 


I may not be able to Finnish the chapter see I promised to everyone that I will update but from this pass few days I been getting headache and rashes on my skin and it hurt so bad I am very sorry if it's going to be another long update I am so sorry 


I really like your lost gem fic, it's amazing 


@ thatdislexicbitch  hey don't worry about it, I get it, I also do slow updates. I hope your phone gets fixed, and that you get good grades. Have a good week!! <3 


@thatdislexicbitch  so sorry if in very slow at updates ^^" its been quite hard for me seen i had alot to do in school i havent even slept thinking to much alot of ideas


@thatdislexicbitch  thank you so much i really apreciate it! Ill be doing more when my phone is fix! idk when my phone will be fix. i hope it will seen i had a list of publish chapter on my notebook!!!