
Update on Camp Camp Sequel!!:
          	Hello everyone!,
          	I’ll be sure to keep this short and cut to the chase... first off I would like to say thank you to everyone who has shown me love and support towards “Its Because I Care”.. it really means so much to me that you guys enjoyed reading it and many other readers who are still reading it! For those who were there from the beginning of it all, you may remember me posting updates/author notes regarding the sequel that I wanted to write after the epilogue. The thing is, is that I have been trying to work on the sequel every since I ended “It’s Because I Care”.. and I hate to say that, that I just couldn’t find the motivation or interest in pursuing it. In other words.. I will NOT be following through with the sequel. If you guys know me, you know one of the biggest reasons why I take so long with many of my updates is because when I write.. I want it to be the best it could be. So when I spent many nights changing the plot and the theme of it all..it really just landed me back to square one.. no matter how many times I wrote or rewrote a draft. Doing this and growing frustrated with myself was a clear sign that maybe I needed to move on and work something else from a different/same fandom perhaps? Though I hate that I ended the book with the reader and Max with a breakup.. I guess you could say that not all happily ever afters.. are always happy? I hope you all can understand where I’m coming from and can accept my decision towards to what I would like to do from now on... once again.. thank you so much for the love and support and I hope that will still continue within my future works here on Wattpad.
          	With much love,


@YummKimchii Hey, don't stress over it, as much as I loved it and I would love a sequel, you're mental, and physical, health is way more important than what other people want, you're an amazing and talented writer, and I'm looking forward to reading more, no matter what you decide to write about : ) take care ❤


Update on Camp Camp Sequel!!:
          Hello everyone!,
          I’ll be sure to keep this short and cut to the chase... first off I would like to say thank you to everyone who has shown me love and support towards “Its Because I Care”.. it really means so much to me that you guys enjoyed reading it and many other readers who are still reading it! For those who were there from the beginning of it all, you may remember me posting updates/author notes regarding the sequel that I wanted to write after the epilogue. The thing is, is that I have been trying to work on the sequel every since I ended “It’s Because I Care”.. and I hate to say that, that I just couldn’t find the motivation or interest in pursuing it. In other words.. I will NOT be following through with the sequel. If you guys know me, you know one of the biggest reasons why I take so long with many of my updates is because when I write.. I want it to be the best it could be. So when I spent many nights changing the plot and the theme of it all..it really just landed me back to square one.. no matter how many times I wrote or rewrote a draft. Doing this and growing frustrated with myself was a clear sign that maybe I needed to move on and work something else from a different/same fandom perhaps? Though I hate that I ended the book with the reader and Max with a breakup.. I guess you could say that not all happily ever afters.. are always happy? I hope you all can understand where I’m coming from and can accept my decision towards to what I would like to do from now on... once again.. thank you so much for the love and support and I hope that will still continue within my future works here on Wattpad.
          With much love,


@YummKimchii Hey, don't stress over it, as much as I loved it and I would love a sequel, you're mental, and physical, health is way more important than what other people want, you're an amazing and talented writer, and I'm looking forward to reading more, no matter what you decide to write about : ) take care ❤


Just wanted to let everyone know that my fanfics might be uploaded by next weekend, thank you all for being so patient <3


@YummKimchii You're book is amazing! Please keep doing what you're doing  IM SORRY IM EMOTIONAL after the last chapter lol. But no really please keep up the good work! 