
Happy birthday to KHFL! I still remember how hyped I was when I finished that first chapter exactly a year ago... To celebrate, chapter 2 of both the English and Italian version have been tweaked a little, as i felt they needed it a little. 


Happy birthday to KHFL! I still remember how hyped I was when I finished that first chapter exactly a year ago... To celebrate, chapter 2 of both the English and Italian version have been tweaked a little, as i felt they needed it a little. 


The long awaited "Season finale" of KH Fallen Light will release tomorrow at 7PM CET! I just need to do some last touches as I want to test the planned release feature of wattpad, releasing both the English and Italian version at the Italian version at the exact same time, with the AO3 port following very shortly. We'll see you there! 


KHFL's first three chapters were updated to implement the QoL changes from the italian translation. Gradually, 4-7 will also get the translation and update treatment. Once they're done, work on the big chapter 8 will begin!


Khfl got a teeny tiny update in chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, just changed Duck Avenger's name to PK, who is more accurate to the comics and tone of the whole story
          (Per i lettori italiani, sto ancora lavorando al terzo capitolo tradotto! Solo che dovevo aggiungere un paio di scene perché non ero soddisfatto del passo di quel capitolo specialmente) 


I'll slowly start getting back on KHFL, now that I have a clear roadmap of what I'm going to do moving forward. Expect Chapter 6 to release in late May or early June, and I'll also work on the new project in the meantime