
Alright folks after much work (and delays) I've officially completed the short story What Remains, and I'm damn proud of it. XD I'll be moving on to another of my works, a novel i've been working on for a while, most of it is complete but i'll begin posting it sometime within this month. I'll alternate between writing short stories and full length novels as I post more on here, so be on the look out for that. So enjoy the read, and enjoy the new year. There is so much more to come. ;)


Alright folks after much work (and delays) I've officially completed the short story What Remains, and I'm damn proud of it. XD I'll be moving on to another of my works, a novel i've been working on for a while, most of it is complete but i'll begin posting it sometime within this month. I'll alternate between writing short stories and full length novels as I post more on here, so be on the look out for that. So enjoy the read, and enjoy the new year. There is so much more to come. ;)


Another Chapter is up and due to it's length I've decided to break it up into 2 chapters, So one last one is on the way soon. And once I'm done with this short story, it's on to my novel, Hell Trigger. Enjoy reading.


Alright ladies and gentlemen, I've just put up the 4th chapter of my 5 part short story. the finale is coming soon, can you feel the hype?  I'll also be adding a bonus chapter explaining the rules of the world soon enough, should clarify any points anyone has on the world. Despite it's size, the world building involved in this is pretty deep. As always guys, let me know what you thought of it.