
Oh my goshhh, I finally updated! Please forgive me! I have the plotline for all of my chapters written down and when I realized how much I needed to cover in this one chapter my brain lowkey short circuited lol :p
          	Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it and please tell me if it was fast-paced because I seriously felt like it was. I’ll rewrite it if the vast majority of you think it was. With that said and done, behold chapter 48!! <333


Oh my goshhh, I finally updated! Please forgive me! I have the plotline for all of my chapters written down and when I realized how much I needed to cover in this one chapter my brain lowkey short circuited lol :p
          Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it and please tell me if it was fast-paced because I seriously felt like it was. I’ll rewrite it if the vast majority of you think it was. With that said and done, behold chapter 48!! <333


Ahh, I’m going through an existential crisis!! My mind is saying, “Yes, make a sequel to Choose!” but also saying, “No, leave them off with a good ending and make Choose a standalone!” Should Chosen be published as a sequel to Choose or not? It’s so frustrating because I can’t make up my mind lol. Still, I want to know your opinions on this matter because maybe it’ll help with my decision!! Leave your thoughts below please!! <33


@Your_everyday_wr1t3r ahhh yes I do understand ur problem, make a sequel, end it on a note where it’s like u know people really like it so u take notice and then make a sequel 


@Your_everyday_wr1t3r You should make a sequel, and I hope your existential crisis ends soon


I have updated once again! I hope you guys enjoy it! I tried to get the individual parts to correlate to each other as much as possible, so please let me know if it didn’t!! Aside from that, “Choose” is sadly coming to an end within the next few chapters! But, fear not! There shall be a next book! With that all said and done, share your thoughts on the chapter and enjoy!! <333


@Rangiewins I realised we read the same authors 


excited to read it! Sad it’s ending though but a new book makes that better!


Ahhhhh!!! I finally updated!! I genuinely have no excuse as to why I’m updating so late, so all I can ask is that you accept my sincere apology!! I am very sorry! As a token of my appreciation to you guys, I tried my best to make this chapter more exciting and entertaining!! Please enjoy! <333