
This isnt strickty relevant but i felt like i would shere, three nights ago i was in my own little eorld whith a beer when i picked up a small kinfe and hid it in the back of my bra, today we had a school trip to the beach it is onely when i went tp the bathroom when i realised i still had said knife on me and now i have scrach marks all over my back, lioe i said, not relevant but i wanted to share


This isnt strickty relevant but i felt like i would shere, three nights ago i was in my own little eorld whith a beer when i picked up a small kinfe and hid it in the back of my bra, today we had a school trip to the beach it is onely when i went tp the bathroom when i realised i still had said knife on me and now i have scrach marks all over my back, lioe i said, not relevant but i wanted to share


You should come be the judge in a fight between me and Scarlet Letter.


Who would win in a fight.


We need an unbiased opinion


How old are you?
          Like 13-18?


Do you like Percy Jackson