
Across Two Worlds 


Hey guys, as some of you may have noticed, Again We Meet has been unpublished. It's not deleted, but only I have access to the book. The plot of the book is just a mess that I'm not proud of. I found myself rushing the story and not giving the characters enough time to develop. As I was writing Chapter 17, I found that I was bored writing it. Originally, Again We Meet was supposed to have a different ending. However, I kept the plot as I previously said. The book turned into this weird, unrealistic plot. I'm sorry for un-publishing the book. I have other things planned though, so I guess, please wait for that. Again, I'm sorry! Have a good morning/day/evening.


So I deleted chapters 4 & 5 of Kodashi because I didn't like the direction it was going


@YeoniReads  But I was looking forward to Yeoni X Nalal and Ama X Cire or Zen or both. Wah