
PoV you're at a party and wearing a bunch of rings but you're bored, so you read some Wattpad, but you're still bored, so- 
          	Y'know what, you can tell from this post. 
          	How are you doing? And is there anything you'd like to know about me, my books, and any other topic that I might know. You'd have to ask about that- 
          	And if I don't know, then please tell me about it! 
          	Or just give me a smile-y face to satisfy my strange desperation. 


@stella_yuuki11 still gonna answer! 
          	  I own quite a few rings, and such. I've always been a jewellery person! I wore a choke necklace thingy, lotta rings, and some beaded bracelets (that might not've matched-) that people gave me :] 


PoV you're at a party and wearing a bunch of rings but you're bored, so you read some Wattpad, but you're still bored, so- 
          Y'know what, you can tell from this post. 
          How are you doing? And is there anything you'd like to know about me, my books, and any other topic that I might know. You'd have to ask about that- 
          And if I don't know, then please tell me about it! 
          Or just give me a smile-y face to satisfy my strange desperation. 


@stella_yuuki11 still gonna answer! 
            I own quite a few rings, and such. I've always been a jewellery person! I wore a choke necklace thingy, lotta rings, and some beaded bracelets (that might not've matched-) that people gave me :] 


You are the sweetest person. Like EVER.


I realise that I should’ve @ ed you- 


Oh, thank you! I’ve seen you around somewhere.. just can’t remember at the moment. Thanks for the follow! 
            Have a great day/night!


Hey! I’m in a good mood, but my quote is late, so sorry! 
          “Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect.
          It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” 
              -Apologies, I do not know :] 
            If you’re happy, or you see someone happy, it doesn’t mean your vision is clouded. It doesn’t always mean that everything is fine, or that the world is perfect. 
            It just means that you’ve learned to see the light in the dark. That you know what it means to laugh when you’ve been crying, what it means to find comfort after a dark day. 
            Because we all have those dark days. We all will experience a breakdown, we all will want to cry. 
          And that’s okay. Because those emotions are normal and necessary. 
            Just know, that there is always joy to follow the bad times. :] 
          And I’m always here if you need or want! :]
          I’m in a good mood btw ‘cause my motivation for ‘Obey Me!’ is finally normal again! :D the next chapter should be out literally in a few minutes-
          Have a great day/night/morning/evening/week/life/year/EVERYTHING
              All my happiness, 
                  Yours truly, 


@YayaZa_B33_ Mom ilysm!❤️❤️


Weekly quote! 
          “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” 
          Keep on dreaming, and keep on believing in those dreams, I promise you won’t regret it when you grow! 
          Sorry, this has to be short, have a fabulous day/night!!
          All of my dreams, 
              Yours truly, 


@YayaZa_B33_ I haven’t watched Cinderella in so long I’d forgotten




I wish to join but I was already adopted. BUT,   I WISH YOU AND YOUR NEW CHILD REN A GOOD DAY 


          I think I’m late… 
          But here’s your quote! 
          “I think that one of these days… you’re going to have to find out where you want to go. 
          And then you’ve got to start going there.” 
               —J.D. Salinger
           Life might be confusing right now, or you might not be sure what you’re doing, but I want you to know this: 
           That’s simply life. And we can’t change that, as much as we might want to. There are always changes, challenges, and opportunities. Confusion, uncertainty, and achievement. It’s all gonna be there. 
          And it’s up to you to make it to the other side of the river, or to climb to the top of the hill. 
          There will always be people or animals, or whatever right there to help, this is a large world, after all. 
          I hope you can find where you want to go, and that you can start that journey there. I’ll be right here if you need the encouragement. I don’t feel like going anywhere at the time being. :) 
          All of my help, 
              Yours truly, 
          (P.S. happy pride month!!! How’s it treated you so far?)


@YayaZa_B33_ Awwe❤️❤️❤️ you're so sweet Yaya! This also goes to you. So, please do it too! And pride month has been good to me! 


Hello, hello!! :D 
          Hope you’re doing alright, but I’m here to share a quote! 
          “The powerful play goes on and on, and you may contribute a verse.” 
               -John Keating, Dead Poets Society 
            In those terms, this world—our world—is merely one powerful play. We are all characters, and we are all played by actors. Those actors are our souls, and our souls are merely ours. Us. What makes you, YOU. 
            Those characters, while you may be simply a background character in some scenes, you are the main character of your own story. In the worlds play there are billions or beautiful, cruel, sorrowful, and happy stories being played together and in harmony. 
            That is how our world works, and you are so very important in it. While those government officials and commanding voices may run the lights and make the setting, you make the script. You command how your character plays out, what they say, what they do. 
            Because that character is you, they are yours, and yours only. They do what you wish, and you should wish for whatever you want. 
            So write in your own verses to the powerful play, help with the designing of the set up for a scene, help dress up the actors, help run the lights, sing, dance, laugh, play. Help make our powerful play reflect on all of humanity’s good, bad, and middle ground. 
          Because, you DO have that power. You could run the world one day, and you could direct this play. But you’ll never know if you don’t contribute to the small things and others verses. All the while cultivating your beautiful scene. 
          Wow that’s kind of poetic, huh? 
          Well, to put my message simply; even though we may seem like small pieces in a large game, we all can decide and write in a little something into our lives and everyone else’s. 
          Or if none of that makes sense, you are important! Whether you realize it or not :] 
            All of my lights and cameras and pieces of paper for your script, 
                     Yours truly, 


@YayaZa_B33_ I don't have any words. And I'm definitely not cosplaying a fountain rn.


@YayaZa_B33_ it reminds me a bit of a venn diagram collaboration art project: you can add little splashes of color and details to someone else’s work, but primarily, you have your own part of that piece to do, no matter what other people add to it; you can even color over the bad bits if you have to, but overall, IT’S. YOURS. 
            If that makes sense; I realize in hindsight I just made an awful and unreasonably specific/complicated analogy for this ;( / ;)


Hi! Don’t you just hate it whenyouhavetodoanauditionandthenyou’rehappyanddoingokaybutthenyoucanonlygetthroughthebeginningbeforeyourheadishurtingandyoucan’tbreathe,andyoucan’tgetthroughtherestofwhatyouneedtodoandyourhungerisgettingtoyouanditsucks? Yeah, just hate it. 
          But then your friend is down and you’re actinghappyforthepeoplearoundyou and she’s sad, so you quickly comfort her and she says you’re a great friend, and then you’re “fine!” 
          Anyways, I have your weekly quote for you! 
          “Keep a little fire burning. 
          However small. 
          However hidden.” 
              -Cormac McCarthy 
          ..because that fire will help warm your heart, and will help light your path when it’s dark. That fire is important, and I believe that your fire is beautiful and powerful, just like you. 
          But be careful, we don’t want any wildfires. Just enough that you can keep it for yourself and all of your needs, you deserve it! 
          Have a great week! 
                All of my matches, 
                       Yours truly, 


@YayaZa_B33_ ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ