
Here's a friendly reminder to make regular backups of your stuff, or risk having your laptop break down and losing it all like me because your last backup is from a year ago!
          	(Thankfully it's all good now and my laptop didn't actually break as bad as it first seemed, so all my stories are safe and up to date. But still, gave me a near heart attack and wasn't fun.)
          	Make backups, people. Regularly.


@Sarphieruby @BasmalaHussein910 thank you for your support!
          	  @Sunflower_shine_777 yeah, me too :'D
          	  @ikenized I use word or google docs. It used to be simply word, but since my RSI I've been using google docs so I can easily type on my phone and switch between phone and laptop (I have an easier time typing with my thumbs now).
          	  @IlnaHers yeah, wasn't fun... it wasn't the end of the world because I still had most of it, but I had two or three stories that I made some major revisions to that I was afraid were lost, most importantly the Warped rewrite.
          	  Oh yeah I can see why that would be problematic as well. Have you tried setting just one day every month, like the last day of each month to make backups? Might be a bit more organized. Otherwise there are also programs that help with backups by only updating the files that have been changed since the last update, that way you just get updates instead of constant copies. Might work for you!


@Yarah001 ouch. I would panic too.
          	  I personally have the opposite problem, when you just save your work on all the stuff I use each time I use it, and when I'm trying to find the latest save of one of my works I'm just floundering around looking for it through all of my stuff, that's super annoying...


@Yarah001 will do bossman!! what do you use to write anyways? I just use google docs so I can always access it as long as I have my gmail


hello author sama I really love your book titled "stand". When are you going to upload the sequence titled "still". We really love your books. Hey Im not presuuring you, just enjoy writing you fantastic books. Your readers are hear to support you!!!  but hoping you upload the sequence "still" Im begging you author sama  */puppy eyes while kneeling


Oh, did you update the out of sight book? Even though I hope the AR book or Venous book will be updated not out of sight book. Because I like those two books more than all the unfinished books. Especially the Venous book, which I don't know when you will be updated that book. I hope the AR book will have the latest chapter uploaded SOON. I don't really expect much from the Venous book, I don't know when you'll update that book again
          But I do really like those two books more than all the unfinished books and About the venous book which me don't know when you will update because waiting for all the books to be finished will take a really long time especially if you have your own busy schedule in the real world
          Sorry if it seems harsh But I'm really in a bad mood today. Because, 1. several authors in wattpad (You don't count because i know your busy in the real world) and YouTube who suddenly disappeared without giving any notification and 2. Several authors who suddenly went on hiatus Without notification and 3. Some comments on YouTube and Tik tok which were really annoying (Not on my YouTube and Tik Tok accounts, but on other people's accounts and Some comments really annoying to me) ugigifdyioyfiffdy. Sorry I talked about my problem here, but anyways
          Happy good night or day to you


@kota_angin545 whatever the case, please don't use my account as a place to vent when you're in a bad mood :) 


@Yarah001 I know~ besides, at that time I was really in a bad mood so my comments were a bit harsh. My mood is good again because yesterday and today are the days I've been waiting for. It can be seen from my photo and my cover photo too if you understand the language tho. But tomorrow I will change the photo and cover photo again because the celebration is only 2 days


Hey Yarah~ I know you're busy making the next update for AR, but I just wanna know if your story "All We Are" is on an indefinite hiatus? (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
          That's all, have a good day (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


@SYHA09 it's not, I just need to finish actually writing the next chapter, which I have unfortunately been procrastinating on for about... two years now?